(A)   A user charge shall be levied on all users of the wastewater treatment works to provide funds necessary to pay for the cost of operation and maintenance of such works. The user charges must result in the distribution of all costs of operation and maintenance of the treatment works to each user, or user class, in proportion to such user's contribution to the total wastewater loading of the treatment works. Factors such as strength, volume and delivery flow rate characteristics shall be considered and included as the basis for the user's contribution to ensure a proportional distribution of operation and maintenance costs. The method to be used to establish the user charges for wastes within the limits of normal concentrations, as defined in § 52.22, shall be defined in this section. The method to be used to establish the user charge - extra strength surcharge for wastes in excess of normal concentrations shall be defined in § 52.28.
   (B)   The volume of wastewater from each user shall be subject to a base user charge per 1,000 gallons, as follows:
      (1)   Charges for each billing month during a calendar year shall be based upon the following values for that calendar year: (1) estimated total operation and maintenance expenses, excluding those expenses attributable to debt service costs and excluding any expenses classified as reimbursable expenses; (2) estimated annual revenue from extra strength surcharges; and (3) estimated total water consumption subject to sanitary sewer charges.
      (2)   The base user charge per 1,000 gallons shall equal [(1) estimated total operation and maintenance expenses pursuant to this section minus (2) estimated revenue from extra strength surcharges] divided by (3) estimated water consumption subject to sanitary sewer charges, in 1,000 gallons.
   (C)   User charges levied pursuant to this section shall be billed pursuant to § 52.31. The rates shall be as pursuant to § 52.30.
(Ord. 678, passed 9-7-76)