For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   EXTENDED STAY HOTEL. A place where sleeping accommodations are furnished for long-term occupancy in excess of 21 days for guests, including facilities known as corporate apartments. The establishments in this industry may offer laundry services, parking and recreational services, and limited in-room kitchen facilities, including sink, microwave and conventional ovens, refrigerators and freezers.
   EXTENDED STAY MOTEL. An establishment consisting of a group of attached or detached lodging rooms with adjoining individual bathrooms and where the lodging rooms are not entered from a common entrance lobby and where a portion of the lodging rooms are occupied or designed for long-term occupancy in excess of 21 days for guests. The establishments in this industry may, but need not, offer laundry services, parking and recreational services, and limited in-room kitchen facilities, including sink, microwave and conventional ovens, refrigerators and freezers.
   HOTEL. A place where sleeping accommodations are furnished for occupancy by transient guests for short-term lodging up to 21 days which provides customary hotel services, including but not limited to food and beverage services, recreational services, conference rooms and convention services, laundry services, parking and other services.
   MOTEL. An establishment consisting of a group of attached or detached lodging rooms with adjoining individual bathrooms and where the lodging rooms are not entered from a common entrance lobby and where more than 50% of the lodging rooms are occupied or designed for occupancy by transient automobile tourists.
(Ord. 2006-12-0073O, passed 12-12-2006)