(A)   A vehicle towing service owner shall provide towing vehicles of sufficient size and weight to remove and tow vehicles other than tractor-trailer rigs. Owners with towing vehicles that can haul tractor-trailer rigs shall be placed on the regular list and on a special heavy-duty towing list. The heavy-duty towing list may be used any time heavy-duty towing is required.
   (B)   All towing vehicles shall conform with all sections of the Illinois Vehicle Code regulating towing vehicles, as well as with all other applicable state statutes and city ordinances.
   (C)   The vehicle towing service owner shall assume all liability, shall indemnify and save the city harmless from liability for damage sustained by vehicles while being towed or stored and for all personal injuries occurring to any of the firm’s employees or other persons and shall maintain the required insurance policies. The owner shall not release any vehicle directly impounded by the city without written authorization from the Police Department.
(2000 Code, § 5.62.050) (Am. Ord. 2010-02-0277O, passed 2-23-2010; Am. Ord. 2020-04-0787O, passed 4-14-2020)