§ 112.38 RATES OF FARE.
   (A)   The price or rate of fare to be asked or demanded by an operator or owner of a taxicab shall not exceed the maximum set by ordinance or other regulation.
   (B)   The distance to which the rate set forth in division (A) of this section applies shall be determined by the nearest traveled route from the point where the passenger enters the vehicle to the point where the passenger alights therefrom.
   (C)   There shall be affixed on the inside of each vehicle, in a conspicuous place, and in such manner that the name may be easily read by any person riding in the vehicle, a card upon which shall be printed in plain, legible type the rate of fare provided for in this section.
   (D)   Any passenger shall be allowed to have conveyed upon any such vehicle, without charge, his or her ordinary traveling baggage, provided that ordinary hand baggage shall not be construed to mean trunks or sample cases.
   (E)   Upon the request of any passenger, the driver of the vehicle shall give the person requesting the same a receipt for the amount of the fare demanded and paid.
(2000 Code, § 5.56.140)