(A)   Annual registration fees for contractors, effective January 1, 1990, shall be as follows:
1.    Carpenter contractor
2.    Concrete or cement contractor
3.    Drain layer
4.    Excavating contractor
5.    Fence contractor
6.    Heating and ventilating contractor
7.    Lathing contractor
8.    Mason (brick or stone) contractor
9.    Painting or decorating contractor
10.    Plaster contractor
11.    Roofing contractor
12.    Sewer contractor
13.    Tile contractor
14.    Landscape contractor
$100 plus the bond required by § 110.049
15.    General contractor
16.    Developer, commercial and residential
17.    Underground sprinkler contractor
$100 plus the bond required by § 110.049 
   (B)   Current registration fees shall remain in full force and effect prior to January 1, 1990.
(2000 Code, § 5.14.030)