(A)   The intent of this section is to protect and preserve the city neighborhoods' public health, safety and welfare of the residents by requiring criminal history/background investigations of prospective tenants.
   (B)   Criminal background checks shall be conducted on all prospective tenants over the age of 18 prior to occupying a rental dwelling unit.
   (C)   The licensee shall conduct, or have conducted by a reputable agency, a criminal history/background investigation on prospective tenants of rental property in the city. It is, however, recommended that all prospective tenants of rental residential property be required to submit credit checks, and checks for past evictions prior to entering into a lease agreement.
   (D)   Criminal background checks should be inclusive of the applicant's entire adult criminal history, screening for criminal convictions that pose a demonstrable risk to personal safety or property.
   (E)   Criminal background checks shall be completed prior to extending an offer of housing to an applicant. Criminal background checks may be also completed when considering to renew or extend a lease.
   (F)   A housing provider may deny an applicant based on any of the following;
      (1)   The applicant or household member is a current sex offender required to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act (or similar law in another jurisdiction);
      (2)   The applicant or household member is a current child sex offender under residency restriction; or
      (3)   The applicant or household member has a criminal conviction for an offense that could pose a demonstrable risk to personal safety and/or property.
   (G)   If an applicant is denied due to the results of the criminal background investigation, the applicant may be provided a copy of the results. The denied applicant may submit a new application if they wish to provide mitigating factors for the licensee to consider.
   (H)   Upon demand, results from an applicant's criminal background investigation shall be forwarded to the City Clerk to ensure compliance.
(Ord. 2013-09-0461O, § 2 (part), passed 9-24-2013; Am. Ord. 2020-02-0785O, passed 2-25-2020) Penalty, see § 10.99