For purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALARM DEVICE. Any local alarm, dial alarm, direct alarm, holdup alarm, fire alarm or trouble alarm installed as defined herein, which purpose is to give notice of a criminal act, fire emergency, medical emergency or other emergency which may require police or fire response.
ALARM EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS. Any person who sells, leases, maintains, monitors, or installs automatic protection devices, local alarms, police alarms, fire alarms, dial alarms and direct alarms.
ALARM USER. A person who uses one or more police or fire alarm devices which may require police
or fire response, and a person who contracts for or receives service or maintenance with respect to an alarm device from an alarm equipment supplier.
ALARM USER PERMIT. A permit required for an alarm user to operate an alarm device which may require police or fire response.
COMMERCIAL BUILDING. A building designed to contain or contains a commercial business.
DIAL ALARM. Any police or fire alarm device which is a telephone device or telephone attachment that automatically or electronically selects a telephone line connected to a receiving alarm station and reproduces a prerecorded message to report a criminal act or other emergency requiring police response.
FALSE ALARM. The activation of any police or fire alarm device by other than a forced entry, attempted forced entry, unlawful entry, or actual hold-up or attempted robbery, fire or medical emergency on the premises.
INSTALLATION. Any police or fire alarm device or aggregation of any police or fire alarm devices installed on or within a single building or on or within more than one building or area adjacently located on a common site at a specific location.
LOCAL ALARM. Those alarms that sound audibly on the premises whether or not connected to any receiving station by any means and sounding on the premises where the alarm is connected.
MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING STRUCTURE. A building containing three or more dwelling units as defined in § 151.165 of this code.
OWNER. The person or legal entity that owns a commercial or multi-family dwelling building, whether occupied by a tenant or not.
(Ord. 2011-01-0325O, passed 2-8-2011)