(A)   Whenever any animal bites any person, the owner of the animal or anyone having knowledge of the bite shall immediately notify the Police Department or Animal Control Officer.
   (B)   Any animal which has bitten or otherwise injured any person so as to cause an abrasion of the skin shall be immediately taken, impounded and kept separated from animals for ten days. If the animal has not been currently inoculated, the animal shall be taken to a licensed veterinarian for proper examinations and observations.
   (C)   If, during the examinations and observations in division (B) above, the animal develops symptoms of illness; a veterinarian shall be called to diagnose its condition. If the symptoms disclosed are such as to indicate the presence of rabies, such animal shall be destroyed in such a manner as to preserve intact the head, which shall thereupon be detached and immediately sent to the diagnostic laboratory of the Department of Agriculture.
   (D)   If a tranquilizer gun or taser is used to apprehend a stray or vicious animal, which cannot be captured by normal means, the city and/or its agents shall not be held responsible if the animal succumbs as a result of the use of the tranquilizer gun or taser.
   (E)   If, at the expiration of ten days, no symptoms of rabies have developed in the animal so impounded, the same may be redeemed by the owner upon payment of the redemption fees and charges specified in § 95.28 above. After having been notified that his or her dog has bitten or otherwise injured any person, the owner or keeper thereof shall not, under any circumstances, permit the animal to be at large unless securely muzzled.
   (F)   Any expense incurred in the handling of any animal under this section shall be borne by the owner or keeper. No owner or keeper shall sell or give away or otherwise dispose of any dog or other animal that is known to have bitten a person, until it is released as required by law.
(2000 Code, § 6.04.200) (Am. Ord. 2010-09-0307O, passed 9-28-2010; Am. Ord. 2013-03-0434O, § 2 (part), passed 3-12-2013; Am. Ord. 2018-02-0681O, passed 2-27-2018)