In addition to the general requirements of section 3-2-3 of this chapter, every place offering live adult entertainment shall be physically arranged so that:
   A.   The stage on which live adult entertainment is provided and all other areas of the premises to which the public has access, except restrooms, shall be visible from the common areas of the premises. Visibility shall not be blocked or obscured by doors, curtains, drapes or any other obstruction whatsoever.
   B.   No live adult entertainment occurring on the premises shall be visible at any time from any public place.
   C.   The stage on which live adult entertainment is provided shall be a stage or platform at least eighteen inches (18") in elevation above the level of the patron seating areas, and shall be separated by a distance of at least four feet (4') from all areas of the premises to which members of the public have access. A continuous railing at least three feet (3') in height and located at least four feet (4') from all points of the performance area shall separate the performance area and the patron seating areas. (Ord. 578, 6-16-1998)