Relief from elevation or floodproofing requirements for residential and non-residential structures in riverine (non-coastal) flood zones may be granted for appurtenant structures that meet the following requirements:
   A.   Appurtenant structures located partially or entirely within the floodway must comply with requirements for development within a floodway found in section 10-5-2-4.
   B.   Appurtenant structures must only be used for parking, access, and/or storage and shall not be used for human habitation.
   C.   In compliance with State of Oregon Specialty Codes, appurtenant structures on properties that are zoned residential are limited to one-story structures less than two hundred (200) square feet, or four hundred (400) square feet if the property is greater than two (2) acres in area and the proposed appurtenant structure will be located a minimum of twenty feet (20') from all property lines. Appurtenant structures on properties that are zoned as non-residential are limited in size to one hundred twenty (120) square feet.
   D.   The portions of the appurtenant structure located below the base flood elevation must be built using flood resistant materials.
   E.   The appurtenant structure must be adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, and lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy, during conditions of the base flood.
   F.   The appurtenant structure must be designed and constructed to equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls and comply with the requirements for flood openings in section 10-5-2-1.
   G.   Appurtenant structures shall be located and constructed to have low damage potential.
   H.   Appurtenant structures shall not be used to store toxic material, oil, or gasoline, or any priority persistent pollutant identified by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality unless confined in a tank installed in compliance with section 10-5-1-5.
   I.   Appurtenant structures shall be constructed with electrical, mechanical, and other service facilities located and installed so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of the base flood. (Ord. 666-20, 10-13-2020)