301.01 Meaning of words and phrases
301.02 Authorized emergency vehicle
301.03 Bicycle
301.04 Bus
301.05 Business district
301.06 Controlled-access highway
301.07 Crosswalk
301.08 Driver
301.09 Explosives
301.10 Flammable liquid
301.11 Gross weight
301.12 Intersection
301.13 Laned roadway
301.14 Moped
301.15 Motorcycle
301.16 Motor-driven cycle
301.17 Motor vehicle
301.18 Owner
301.19 Park
301.20 Parking area
301.21 Pedestrian
301.22 Person
301.23 Pole trailer
301.24 Police officer
301.25 Private road or driveway; private property
301.26 Railroad
301.27 Railroad sign or signal
301.28 Railroad train
301.29 Residence district
301.30 Residential street
301.31 Right-of-way
301.32 Roadway
301.33 Safety zone
301.34 School bus
301.35 School grounds
301.36 Semitrailer
301.37 Sidewalk
301.38 Stop
301.39 Stop, stopping or standing
301.40 Street or highway; alley
301.41 Through street or through highway
301.42 Traffic
301.43 Traffic-control devices
301.44 Traffic-control signal
301.45 Trailer
301.46 Truck
301.47 Vehicle
Cross References
See sectional histories for similar state law
Speed race defined, see Part Three, § 335.04