(a) All Commission members shall be appointed for specific terms of service by the governing body of Nutter Fort. Any member of the governing body may nominate persons for service on the Commission; and the appointments of such persons shall be approved by a majority of those voting. Nominations and appointments shall be made at the regular meetings of the governing body. A Chairperson of the Commission shall be elected by and from the members of the Commission by a majority vote on a year-to-year basis.
(b) Members will be appointed for not more than a three-year term. Two members will be appointed for three years, two members will be appointed for two years and one member will be appointed for one year. The member that is appointed for the one-year term, if reappointed will serve a three-year term.
(Ord. 1995, passed 2-28-1995; Ord. passed 7-11-1995)