An urban renewal plan and the ordinance approving it may be amended, modified or changed by ordinance of Council from time to time, before or after its initial approval thereof, provided, that, if the boundaries of the project area are extended to include any parcels of land not previously included therein or if there is added a new type of urban renewal activity which requires the acquisition of property or if there is a change in the proposed zoning within the project area or in any other matter directly within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission to approve or disapprove under Ohio R C. 713 02, all of the proceedings provided for in Sections 163.06 and 163.07 shall be carried out in connection with such amendment, modification or change and provided, that, the plan may not be amended, modified or changed with respect to any land previously conveyed by the City without the consent of the property owner thereto.
(Ord. 31-2005. Passed 9-13-05.)