1325.11 FEES.
   (a)    The fee for application for a Vacant Building Maintenance License is based on the duration of time the building has been ordered vacated or kept vacated as determined by the following scale:
      (1)    $900.00 for properties that have been ordered vacated or kept vacant for less than one year;
      (2)    $1,800.00 for properties that have been ordered vacated or kept vacant for at least one year but less than two years;
      (3)    $2,700.00 annually for properties that have been ordered vacated or kept vacant for at least two years but less than five years;
       (4)    $3,500.00 annually for properties that have been ordered vacated or kept vacant for at least five years.
   (b)    The fee shall be paid at the time of application and deposited in the general fund. Upon any initial application for a license, or upon the first renewal of a license following the implementation of the above listed fee structure, all persons shall be required to pay the $900.00 fee, and will thereafter pay the designated annual fee based on the graduated fees, listed herein.
   (c)    The fee for renewal of a Vacant Building Maintenance License to be determined by the scale in Section 1325.11(a), shall be paid at the time of application for renewal and deposited in the building hazard abatement fund. A renewal license shall expire on the annual renewal date. The annual renewal date shall be the anniversary of the date that the building or portion thereof was initially vacated or kept vacant by the Building Commissioner.
   (d)    If the owner fails to obtain a Vacant Building Maintenance License within the time provided by Section 1325.07 or if the owner fails to apply for renewal of a Vacant Building Maintenance License before the annual renewal date, the Building Commissioner shall charge a late fee equal to the license or renewal fee or $1,000.00, whichever is less. If the owner fails to pay the amount due for the license, for renewal of the license, or as a fine for being out of compliance with the vacant building requirements, said amount shall constitute a debt due and owing to the city.
   (e)    The Building Commissioner shall refund fifty percent (50%) of the annual fee for a Vacant Building Maintenance License paid if the subject building is brought into compliance with standards of the NBC and NPMC and reoccupied within one year of payment of the application fee.
(Ord. 16-2010. Passed 4-13-10.)