1153.14 LIGHTING.
   (a)    Any parking area which is intended to be used during non-daylight hours shall be illuminated to avoid accidents.
   (b)    Any lights used to illuminate a parking lot shall be located, screened, shielded, and designed to minimize spill over to other properties and so that adjacent uses are not directly illuminated, especially in cases where non-residential uses are in close proximity to residential uses. Area lighting fixtures must direct light down and be full cut-off fixtures.
   (c)    All lighting fixtures, whether attached to a building and/or free standing, shall be of harmonious design.
   (d)    Electrical service to outdoor lighting fixtures shall be underground.
   (e)    Parking lot light pole/fixture shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet.
(Ord. 8-2013. Passed 2-26-13.)