Action by Council which is not required by this Charter to be taken by ordinance, may be taken by resolution. A resolution shall be introduced in writing by a member of Council or the Mayor and may be adopted by a voice vote of a majority of a quorum.
   A copy of each proposed resolution shall be delivered to or be sent to by electronic means or left at the usual place of residence of each member of Council, and a copy thereof shall be placed on file for public inspection in the office of the Clerk of Council, not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to its introduction.
   Upon passage, the Clerk of Council shall record resolutions in a separate book which shall be a public record.
   Resolutions of necessity for public improvements to be paid for as a whole or in part by special assessment shall be passed and published in the manner provided by this Charter for the passage of ordinances and shall be subject to referendum as provided in Section 4.08 hereof as if they were the first ordinance in a series, relating to a public improvement.
(Amended November 8, 1983; November 7, 2023)