(A)   If Council does not reject the proposed ordinance by a majority vote on its introduction, it shall be given a first reading at length by the Clerk of Council. City Council may by a vote of 2/3 of its voting members, vote to waive the reading at length. If Council does vote to waive the first reading at length of a proposed ordinance, then only the heading of the ordinance shall be read.
   (B)   After its first reading, unless such reading is waived as provided herein, the ordinance shall then lie over for at least seven (7) days unless Council shall by a vote of at least six (6) of its members suspend such requirement. In this interval and at least five (5) days before the second reading of the ordinance, the Clerk of Council shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, a notice of the title of the proposed ordinance and of the time and place of the Council meeting at which it will next be considered, inviting interested persons to attend and express their opinions thereon to Council. At the time and place so advertised, the ordinance shall be given a second reading by title only unless the complete reading is requested at that meeting by four (4) members of Council, and all persons present who desire to be heard for or against its adoption shall be heard under such rules as Council may provide. Written arguments and briefs for or against the proposed ordinance may also be filed at this hearing for consideration by Council and Council may continue the hearing until a later date.
(Amended November 4, 1997.)