Except as limited by the Constitution of the State of Ohio and this Charter, all legislative powers of the City are vested in Council. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Council shall have authority, among other powers, to;
   1.   Adopt ordinances and resolutions by the procedures provided in Article IV of this Charter;
   2.   Establish the internal organization procedures of boards and commissions created by this Charter;
   3.   Set salaries and compensation of the department heads and the amount of bond to be given, if any is required;
   4.   Authorize the levy of taxes and the issuance of notes and bonds as provided by general law;
   5.   Adopt an annual appropriation ordinance;
   6.   Make investigations or inquire into the conduct of any City officer or employee in the performance of his/her public functions, or any office, department, or agency of this City;
   7.   Enact, modify and amend a zoning ordinance, a subdivision platting ordinance and approve subdivision plats which conform thereto;
   8.   Enact, modify and amend a comprehensive building code and a housing code;
   9.   Adopt, modify and amend the master plan for the City and an official map of the City and establish ward boundaries;
   10.   Grant public utility franchises by affirmative vote of at least five (5) members of Council;
   11.   Employ an independent public accountant to audit the accounts of the City or any office or department thereof, whenever such audit is deemed necessary by Council;
   12.   Fix the salaries and compensation of all officers and employees of the City, but the salary and compensation for each elective officer shall be established not less than thirty (30) days prior to the time fixed for the filing of declaration of candidacy for such office and shall not be changed during the term of office; and,
   13.   Establish and abolish, by ordinance, administrative departments other than those created by this Charter.