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MHP Manufactured Home Park District
1156.01   Purpose.
      Manufactured home parks - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3733
      Mobile home parks - see P. & Z. 1113.06
   1156.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the MHP Manufactured Home Park District is to provide for the location and regulation of manufactured home parks in order to foster their development and maintenance as an integral and stable part of the community.
   A.   Approval Procedure
   Manufactured home parks shall be located only in the MHP District and shall be developed according to the standards and regulations referenced in this Section. The procedure to amend the Official City Zoning Map to establish the MHP District shall be that procedure for amendments specified in Chapter 1143.
   B.   General Standards for Manufactured Home Parks
   The Planning Commission and City Council shall review the particular facts and circumstances of each proposed manufactured home park development in terms of the following standards before amending the Official City Zoning Map and establishing an MHP District:
      1.   The proposed park will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, drainage, refuse disposal, schools, police and fire protection, or that persons involved in the establishment of the park will provide such services adequately.
      2.   The vehicular approaches to the proposed park property will be so designed as not to create traffic interference or congestion on the surrounding public streets or roads.
      3.   The establishment of the proposed park will not be demonstrably detrimental to the value of the surrounding properties or the character of the adjacent neighborhood.
      4.   The establishment of the proposed park will not result in the damage, destruction, or loss of any natural, scenic, or historic features of major importance.
      5.   The establishment of the proposed park is in general conformance with the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan.
   C.   Manufactured Home Park Requirements
   All manufactured home parks shall comply with the requirements of Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701 promulgated by the Ohio Public Health Council in accordance with Chapter 3733 of the Ohio Revised Code.
   D.   Application for Manufactured Home Park Approval
   A written application shall be filed with the Chairperson of the Planning Commission. At a minimum, the application shall contain the following information:
      1.   Name, address, and phone number of applicant.
      2.   Legal description of property.
      3.   Present use.
      4.   Present zoning district.
      5.   Proposed zoning district.
      6.   A plan, at a scale approved by the Commission, showing the location and dimension of streets and other roadway; lots, typical for improvements; areas for recreation, storage and off- or on-street parking; buffering, screening or fencing; provisions for garbage and trash removal; location of utilities including street lighting, pedestrian walkways, and such other things the Commission deems necessary.
   E.   Permitted Uses
      1.   Manufactured home parks
      2.   Sale of manufactured homes or retail sales related to manufactured home parks.
   F.   Conditional Uses
      1.   Mini-warehouses, public and private.
   G.   Enlargement of Pre-Existing Manufactured Home Parks
   Any manufactured home park that is non-conforming in any manner shall not be enlarged or expanded unless authorization to do so is obtained from the Planning Commission and any such authorization shall be granted only if all of the following provisions are complied with:
      1.   The enlarged or expanded portion of the mobile home park shall be developed in full compliance with all development standards and other requirements inclusive of this Ordinance.
      2.   If the existing portion of an MHP District is redeveloped, it shall be developed according to this Zoning Code.