(a)   The provisions of this Building and Housing Code which apply to signs and outdoor advertising are limited as indicated in this section.
   (b)   The provisions of this Building and Housing Code do not apply to the following:
      (1)   Any sign painted or lettered directly on a window or other necessary part of a building when the sign is inside the building.
      (2)   Federal, State or Municipal signs pertaining to the City, house numbers or legal notices.
      (3)   Railroad crossing signs, bona fide danger signs or such temporary, emergency nonadvertising signs as may be approved by the Superintendent of Building and Zoning Inspection.
      (4)   Identification or advertising signs on a transient vehicle, or signs being carried for the purpose of display by one or more persons.
   (c)   Permits are not required for the following, but other provisions of this Building and Housing Code shall apply:
      (1)   Projecting signs which are not electric signs and which are not over two square feet in area, provided such signs do not project more than three feet over public property.
      (2)   Wall signs which are not over ten square feet in area.
      (3)   Ground signs which are not over ten square feet in area, provided the top of such signs are not more than six feet above the grade under the sign.
      (4)   Temporary signs for candidates for public office, provided the signs shall be removed from public view within ten days after the primary or election for which the signs were displayed.
      (5)   Tablets, containing information such as the name of a building, the date of erection or the use of the building, when such tablets are built into the walls of the building and constructed of bronze, stone or similar noncombustible material. The provisions of Sections 1454.04 through 1454.09 shall not apply to such tablets.
      (6)   Signs which are not electric signs and which are not more than twenty-five square feet in area, which advertise the sale, rental or lease of the premises on which the sign is placed or erected.
      (7)   Signs which are not more than fifty square feet in area and which are placed at the site of a building under construction where such signs designate the architect, engineer, general contractor or subcontractors engaged in the design or construction of the building, and signs not more than 150 square feet in area placed at the site of a building while such building is under construction, giving pertinent information concerning the construction and purpose of such building, provided that not more than one of each of the above-mentioned signs, in addition to the signs required by this Building and Housing Code, shall be permitted on a single street frontage. Signs larger than the above shall be subject in full to all of the requirements of this Building and Housing Code, including permits and fees, for the type of sign erected.
      (8)   Signs, such as decorations and decorative features placed on utility poles, buildings, etc., which are for the purpose of public demonstrations, or for the promotion of public welfare or charitable enterprises, provided they have been authorized by the Administrative Officer for a stated period of time and are removed within twenty-four hours after such stated time, unless an extension of time is granted by the Administrative Officer.
      (9)   Signs lettered or outlined on windows or other necessary parts of a building, except that permits shall be procured for all electrical work in connection therewith when outline lighting is used in such cases.
(Ord. 42-1981. Passed 2-23-81.)