In addition to the requirements specified elsewhere in this Building and Housing Code for automatic sprinkler equipment, in buildings hereafter erected and in buildings in which the occupancy is changed so as to transfer the buildings from one class to another, as classified according to occupancy in the Ohio Building Code, approved automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed and maintained as follows:
   (a)   Buildings used for the manufacture, sale or storage of combustible goods, material or merchandise shall be equipped with approved automatic sprinkler equipment under conditions as follows:
      (1)   When the building is of Type 1 (fireproof) or Type 2 (noncombustible) construction and the floor area is more than 50,000 square feet, except that sprinklers need not be provided if the area is subdivided by fire walls or fire partitions into areas of not more than 50,000 square feet (area of one floor).
      (2)   When the building is of Type 1 (fireproof) or Type 2 (noncombustible construction and is more than three stories in height.
      (3)   When the building is of other than Type 1 (fireproof) or Type 2 (noncombustible) construction and is more than two stories in height.
   (b)   Except as herein provided, in multiple dwellings over three stories high, approved automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed to protect all public corridors, halls, stairways, passageways and other exitways as may, in the opinion of the Superintendent of Building and Zoning Inspection, be necessary to facilitate safe egress from the building. In such buildings, automatic sprinkler heads, effective against the spread of fire, shall be installed in each elevator shaft, clothes chute, paper chute and dumbwaiter shaft. Sprinkler heads shall be spaced not more than ten feet apart along the centerline of hallways, corridors and passageways, and at each landing in exit stairways, or as approved by the Superintendent or the Fire Chief. Not less than one sprinkler head shall be placed at a position to be most effective, in all elevator shafts, clothes chutes, paper chutes and dumbwaiter shafts. All rooms in such buildings used for hazardous purposes, such as for furniture repairing or for the storage of flammable materials, shall be equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system as directed by the Superintendent or the Chief. Approved sprinkler systems may be omitted in public halls and corridors when the floor finish is noncombustible or fire retardant and when all doors, windows, trim, wall and ceiling finishes, including paints, and all decorations in or along the halls and corridors, are noncombustible.
   (c)   In buildings of hazardous occupancies, approved sprinkler systems shall be installed as required in Section 1488.01.
   (d)   In garages, approved automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed under the following conditions:
      (1)   In garages used for the storage of loaded commercial trucks where the floor area in one story exceeds 2,000 square feet and the building is of Type 3 (exterior masonry wall) or Type 4 (frame) construction.
      (2)   In bus garages exceeding two stories in height.
      (3)   In basement or sub-basement garages housing more than three motor vehicles.
      (4)   In garages located in buildings in which one or more stories or parts thereof above such garages are occupied for other purposes, when the garages have a capacity of twenty or more passenger motor vehicles, or are used as bus terminals for three or more busses, or are used for the storage or loading of two or more trucks.
   (e)   Sprinkler equipment shall also be provided in buildings other than herein specified, where, because of the high fire hazard existing or anticipated, such protection is deemed necessary by the Superintendent or the Fire Chief and where required by the Fire Prevention Code.
   (f)   Where the nature of the hazard is such that the application of water is not an effective means of protection or would unduly spread a fire by flotation, other adequate means of protection shall be provided.
   (g)   In institutional uses which require occupancy for a period of more than twenty-four hours, such as, but not limited to, nursing homes, rest homes, homes for the aged, mental nursing homes, convalescent homes, alcoholic nursing homes, boarding homes for handicapped or feebleminded children, and boarding homes for children, an automatic fire-extinguishing system shall be installed throughout the entire building as required by Ohio Building Code Chapter 4101:2-9, and such system shall be a “Supervised System” conforming to N.F.P.A. Standard Numbers 71, 72A, 72B, 72C and 72D. Water flow alarms shall also be interconnected with the fire alarm system as required by Section 1436.14(a).
(Ord. 42-1981. Passed 2-23-81.)