(a)   Compaction. All fills intended for construction of buildings or structures, or where otherwise required to be compacted for stability of material, shall be inspected as provided in Section 1434.12 and shall be compacted in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   The natural ground surface shall be prepared by removal of the topsoil and vegetation and, if necessary, shall be graded to a series of terraces.
      (2)   The fill shall be spread in a series of layers, each not exceeding six inches in thickness, and shall be compacted by sheepsfoot roller or any other approved method after each layer is spread.
      (3)   The moisture content of the fill material shall be controlled at the time of spreading and compaction to obtain the required maximum density.
      (4)   Jetting may be employed to compact open granular material, such as sand, if the silts and clays contained therein do not exceed five percent by weight of the total material, and if the required compaction may be obtained by this method.
      (5)   No fill shall be placed upon a soft, soggy or springy subgrade.
   (b)   Final Treatment of Surface. After the grading operations are completed, and within thirty days thereafter surface drainage facilities shall be created which will accumulate and channel all rainfall runoff into proper drainage courses, the runoff being based on a ten-year frequency cycle. This shall be done in such a manner that flooding, erosion and washing of sediment up on adjoining areas will be avoided. No silt, sand or other sediment shall be carried to public streets or sewers. Where necessary to prevent erosion, planting will be required, as approved by the Director of Public Service and/or the City Engineer.
   (c)   Disposal of Surface and Subsurface Waters. Upon completion, excavations and fills shall in all cases be graded in such a manner as to prevent the accumulation of storm waters or natural seepage.
   All surfaces or subsurface drainage existing, or developed by or through the grading or excavating, shall be controlled by dikes, barriers or drainage structures to prevent any silt or loose material from filling any existing drainage course or encroaching upon any State route, City street or public or private property.
   All provisions to control natural drainage or flood water shall meet with the approval of the City Engineer.
   Surface water shall be channeled into an established watercourse or storm or combined sewer in a manner, to be approved by the City Engineer, that will not entail future maintenance by the City beyond that normally required.
   Drives shall be so graded and finished that no runoff or surface drainage will enter adjoining property.
   Parking areas, parking lots and other areas, when surfaced, must follow the contour of the approved grading plans, and the entire perimeter thereof shall be so protected by dikes, curbs or other means as to prevent runoff or surface drainage from flowing upon adjoining property and sidewalks.
   (d)   Special Investigations. The Superintendent of Building and Zoning Inspection may require additional exploration, additional information, a civil or soil engineer’s report and recommendations, and any additional maps or drawings that he or she may deem essential.
   The Superintendent may require test borings to determine the existence or nonexistence of subsurface waters and to establish the nature of subsurface strata as satisfactory to support safely all proposed retaining walls and structures thereon and all loads, loading and lateral pressure which may result from the changed conditions.
(Ord. 42-1981. Passed 2-23-81.)