TITLE SIX - Miscellaneous Building Regulations
Chap. 1430. Chimneys, Flues, Fireplaces and Vents.
Chap. 1432. Electrical Equipment.
Chap. 1434. Excavations, Grading, Foundations and Retaining Walls.
Chap. 1436. Fire Alarms and Fire-Extinguishing Equipment.
Chap. 1437 Rapid Access Key Box.
Chap. 1438. Fire Resistance and Firestopping.
Chap. 1440. Flood Damage Prevention.
Chap. 1442. Heating; Gravity and Mechanical Ventilation; Air Conditioning.
Chap. 1444. Loads and Structural Design.
Chap. 1446. Masonry.
Chap. 1448. Numbering of Houses and Buildings.
Chap. 1450. Projections.
Chap. 1452. Safety During Building Operations.
Chap. 1454. Signs and Outdoor Advertising Displays.
Chap. 1456. Swimming and Wading Pools.
Chap. 1458. Unprotected Metal Construction.
Chap. 1460. Unsafe Buildings.
Chap. 1462. Urban Soil and Sediment Pollution Control.
Chap. 1464. Ventilation.
Chap. 1466. Wood Construction.
Chap. 1468. Miscellaneous Requirements.
Chap. 1470. Post-Construction Water Quality Runoff.
Chap. 1472. Riparian and Wetland Setbacks.
Chap. 1474. Construction Site Soil Erosions, Sediment and Other Wastes and Storm Water Runoff.
Chap. 1476. Illicit Discharge and Illegal Connection Control.
Chap. 1478. Clandestine Drug Laboratories.