(a)   With the exception of inspections required to be made by the Director of Public Service, the Chief of Police, the Fire Chief, the Director of Public Health, or other officers or employees of the City, inspections required for the enforcement of the provisions of this Building and Housing Code shall be made by the Superintendent of Building and Zoning Inspection or his or her duly authorized representative, except that the Superintendent may accept reports of inspectors of recognized inspection services, if, after investigation, he or she is satisfied as to the qualifications and reliability of the inspection service under consideration. No certificate called for by any provision of this Building and Housing Code shall be based on reports of inspection services unless such reports are in writing and are certified by a responsible officer of such inspection service. The Superintendent may require supervision of work and certificates of inspection as provided in Section 1426.16.
   (b)   All new buildings, structures and additions under construction, and all alterations or repairs to buildings when regulated by this Building and Housing Code, shall be inspected as follows:
      (1)   An inspection shall be made before pouring footers, as per the rules and regulations made by the Superintendent.
      (2)   An inspection shall be made after the foundation has been erected and before any backfilling or the erection of any portion of the building.
      (3)   A rough inspection shall be made after all mechanicals are installed. The mechanical inspection must be stamped on the building permit card or recorded in the inspection office. No concrete floors shall be poured before this rough inspection.
      (4)   Final inspection shall include all items ready for occupancy.
   (c)   All new buildings or structures, and all additions, alterations and repairs to existing buildings or structure, which, when completed, will have all of the framing and structural parts exposed sufficiently to make a proper inspection practicable, shall be inspected when work is completed.
   (d)   All installations and all additions, alterations and repairs to existing installations, for which permits are required, shall be inspected before being used.
   (e)   For the purpose of insuring that proper inspections will be made of new buildings and structures under construction, of additions and alterations or repairs to existing buildings and structures, of buildings to be moved or razed, or of installations and additions, alterations or repairs thereto, the contractor performing the work on any job for which a permit has been issued, or the owner to whom a permit has been issued when no contractor is employed, shall notify the Superintendent of the time, as provided herein, to make such inspection. The notification for inspection shall be given at a time which will give the Superintendent a reasonable amount of time to make or cause the inspection to be made, and this time shall be as follows:
      (1)   For inspections as required in subsections (a) and (b) hereof, the Superintendent shall be notified not less than forty-eight hours before the next stage of work is to begin or the building or structure is to be occupied.
      (2)   For inspections as required in subsection (c) hereof, or where occupancy is not a consideration, such as signs, billboards, retaining walls, etc., the Superintendent shall be notified when any preliminary inspections are required or necessary, and, for final inspection, not later than forty-eight hours after the structure has been completed.
      (3)   For inspections as required in subsection (d) hereof, the Superintendent shall be notified not less than forty-eight hours before any part of an installation which requires inspection is covered in a manner which would make a proper inspection unnecessarily difficult and, in every case, before such installation is used.
   (f)   In addition to the inspections required to be made at the request of an owner or a contractor, the Superintendent shall, as he or she deems necessary during the progress of the work, inspect all operations for which permits have been issued. The Superintendent shall make a record of every such inspection and of all violations found as a result thereof.
   (g)   When deemed necessary by him or her, the Superintendent shall make an inspection of materials or assemblies at the point of manufacture or fabrication. He or she shall make a record of every such examination and inspection and of all items and details found wherein such materials or assemblies do not meet the requirements of this Building and Housing Code.
   (h)   Existing buildings, structures and installations shall be inspected by the Superintendent as often as is deemed necessary by him or her.
   (i)   An inspection required to be made by the Director of Public Service, the Director of Public Health, the Chief of Police or the Fire Chief shall be made at the time required by law or ordinance and when directed by the director of the department or chief of the division obligated to make such inspection.
   (j)   The Superintendent shall be given not less than forty-eight hours after the filing of an application for a permit to move or raze a building, to inspect such building to determine if it can be safely moved or razed in the manner proposed and whether or not the proposed location thereof, if the building is to be moved, is in compliance with the ordinances of the City applicable thereon.
   For the purpose of this section only, each day that the Municipal Building is open for regular business shall be applicable as time of notification (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are not counted in the time period).
(Ord. 42-1981. Passed 2-23-81.)