(a) Application. An applicant for a conditional use permit shall submit an application to the Building and Zoning Inspector. At a minimum, an application shall include the following information:
(1) Use information.
A. A statement of the specific conditional use or uses listed in this Zoning Code for which the application is submitted.
B. A description of the activities proposed on the site, including the goods and services, hours of operation, anticipated number of employees, nature and volume of delivery activity, characteristics of vehicular activity, and other information which clearly documents the nature of the proposed use and its potential impacts.
C. A statement discussing the compatibility of the proposed use with the existing and permitted uses of adjacent properties and with any plans adopted by the City, including an evaluation of the effects on adjoining properties of such elements as traffic circulation, noise, glare, odor, fumes, vibration, and storm water.
(2) Site plan information. Information and exhibits describing the site and building layout and locations of all structures, paved areas, and uses on the lot.
(3) Additional information. Upon review of the application, the Planning Commission may find that additional information is necessary to make a determination of the compliance of the proposed use with the provisions of this Zoning Code. The Planning Commission may determine that additional studies or expert advice are necessary to evaluate a proposed conditional use relative to the requirements of this chapter and shall advise the applicant if such studies or advice are required. The Planning Commission may accept the required studies prepared by qualified professionals engaged by the applicant or may require the applicant to deposit with the City funds as required to pay for such studies.
The Commission shall only require additional studies or expert advice by motion affirmed by the majority. The motion shall specify the provisions of the Zoning Code which necessitate such study and shall state the issue(s) to be addressed. Such studies or expert advice may include, but are not limited to:
A. Traffic study. Where it is anticipated that the traffic impacts of a proposed use will exceed impacts of permitted uses of the district, a traffic study may be required to determine the impacts, to determine the potential of existing road facilities to support the traffic, and to determine needed improvements.
B. Environmental impact study. Where it is anticipated that the environmental impacts of a proposed use (e.g., noise, emissions, consumption of groundwater) will exceed or be significantly different from impacts of permitted uses in the district, a study may be required to determine the nature and extent of such impacts and the feasibility of mitigating them.
C. Utility impact study. Where it is anticipated that a proposed use will result in utility demand or waste generation which exceed the capacity of existing or planned utilities, a study may be required to project the demand or generation, to determine the potential of existing facilities and to determine needed improvements. A written statement of the operator of the utility verifying the rapacity of the utility to satisfy the projected impacts may be accepted in lieu of special study.
(Ord. 52-2002. Passed 9-23-02.)