As used in this chapter:
(a) “Corner” means the point of intersection of the lines of two street-curb lines extended into the street intersection.
(b) “Curb cut” means the section of a raised curb that is cut down to permit vehicles to cross the curb at driveway approaches. The term also applies to places where the curb was originally constructed as dropped curb in front of driveway approaches and to places where curb was removed or broken out for driveway purposes.
(c) “Curb parking space” means a length of curb or right-of-way area, equal to twenty- five feet where an automobile or other vehicle can park at the edge or curb of a street within the right-of-way.
(d) “Driveway” means an area on private property for the accommodation of automobiles, trucks and other vehicles coming from or entering a public street.
(e) “Driveway approach” means an area, construction or facility between the roadway of a public street and private property, intended to provide access for vehicles from the roadway of a public street to private property. The driveway approach is to be constructed of concrete or asphalt.
(f) “Outside sidewalk line” means a line parallel to the property line lying along the edge of the sidewalk nearest the street, roadway or curb, or, where no sidewalk exists, a line in the street right-of-way parallel to, and four feet six inches from, the line of the private property.
(g) “Parcel of land” means a lot, lots or a tract of land recorded under one ownership.
(h) “Street or streets” means a public way or ways, including alleys, avenues, boulevards, circles, courts, drives, lanes, parkways, paths, places, roads, streets, terraces, walks, ways, thoroughfares, expressways, freeways and other public rights-of-way.
(Ord. 77-1963. Passed 11-16-63; Ord. 45-2007. Passed 7-9-07.)