(a)   It shall be the duty of the Administrative Officer or his or her designee to administer the skill-based amusement arcade licensing regulations of this chapter.
   (b)   The Administrative Officer or his or her designee is hereby empowered to adopt and enforce such rules and regulations relating to any matter or thing pertaining to the issuance, administration, and enforcement of this chapter.
   (c)   The burden shall rest on the owner, applicant, operator and/or agent of the operator, owner, or applicant to timely produce the complete, accurate and true records, documents, programs source codes, inspection documents, or other data or objects necessary to substantiate the licensing requirements of this chapter. Absent such substantiation, the decision of the Administrative Officer or his or her designee shall be final subject to appeal, as set forth in Section 856.16.
   (d)   No skill-based arcade license(s) shall be issued until all individual skill-based amusement devices are inspected and have a City license tag placed upon them.
(Ord. 68-2007. Passed 11-12-07; Ord. 47-2014. Passed 5-12-14.)