(a) No person shall own, keep, or harbor a dog wearing a fictitious, altered, or invalid registration tag or a registration tag not issued by the County Auditor in connection with the registration of that animal.
(ORC 955.25)
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(ORC 955.99(B))
(a) No person having knowledge of the existence of rabies in an animal, or knowledge that an animal has exhibited symptoms or behavior suggestive of rabies, or knowledge that an animal has bitten any person, shall fail to immediately report such information to the Mayor or the Chief of Police.
(b) Whenever it is established by the Mayor or Chief of Police that any animal has bitten any person or exhibits symptoms or behavior suggestive of rabies, the person who owns, harbors or otherwise cares for such animal shall confine it in close quarantine and isolation or shall place such animal in the establishment of a veterinarian until, in either case, it is determined by the County Board of Health that the animal is not afflicted with rabies. The isolation and quarantine period hereby required shall be not less than ten days from the date the person was bitten. If the animal has, or develops, any symptoms suspicious of rabies during the ten-day period, the County Board of Health shall be notified immediately. All expenses incurred for the keeping of such animal, or the necessary tests to determine whether rabies exists, shall be borne exclusively by the person who owns, harbors or otherwise cares for such animal.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
When either a blind, deaf or hearing impaired, or mobility impaired person or a trainer of an assistance dog is accompanied by an assistance dog, the person or the trainer, as applicable, is entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of all public conveyances, hotels, lodging places, all places of public accommodation, amusement or resort, all institutions of education, and other places to which the general public is invited, and may take the dog into such conveyances and places, subject only to the conditions and limitations applicable to all persons not so accompanied, except that:
(1) The dog shall not occupy a seat in any public conveyance.
(2) The dog shall be upon a leash while using the facilities of a common carrier.
(3) Any dog in training to become an assistance dog shall be covered by a liability insurance policy provided by the nonprofit special agency engaged in such work protecting members of the public against personal injury or property damage caused by the dog.
(b) No person shall deprive a blind, deaf or hearing impaired, or mobility impaired person or a trainer of an assistance dog who is accompanied by an assistance dog of any of the advantages, facilities or privileges provided in subsection (a) of this section, nor charge the person or trainer a fee or charge for the dog.
(c) As used in this section, “institution of education” means:
(1) Any state university or college as defined in Ohio R.C. 3345.32;
(2) Any private college or university that holds a certificate of authorization issued by the Ohio Board of Regents pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 1713;
(3) Any elementary or secondary school operated by a board of education;
(4) Any chartered or nonchartered nonpublic elementary or secondary school;
(5) Any school issued a certificate of registration by the state board of career colleges and schools.
(ORC 955.43)
(d) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(ORC 955.99(D))
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(ORC 955.99(C))
(a) No person shall keep or harbor any animal or fowl in the Municipality so as to create noxious or offensive odors or unsanitary conditions which are a menace to the health, comfort or safety of the public.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(a) A police officer or animal warden may impound every dog or other animal found in violation of Section 618.01. If the impounded dog is not wearing a valid registration tag, the dog shall forthwith be turned over to an officer charged by law with the custody and disposal of such dogs. If the dog is wearing a valid registration tag or the identity of the owner or harborer is otherwise established, notice shall immediately be given to such owner or harborer that the dog has been impounded. Notice may be by telephone or by ordinary mail to the last known address of such owner or harborer. The dog shall not be released except upon the payment of reasonable expenses for its taking and keeping. Any dog not redeemed within three days of the time it is seized or impounded may be sold or otherwise disposed of as provided by Ohio R.C. 955.16.
(b) A record of all dogs impounded, the disposition of the same, the owner's name and address, if known, and a statement of any costs or receipts involving such dog shall be kept.