(a)   No person shall fail or refuse to comply with any order issued by any City authority pursuant to the provisions of this chapter within the period specified for such compliance.
   (b)   Notice of Violation. Whenever the Code Enforcement Officer determines that any premises fails to meet the provisions set forth in this chapter or in applicable rules or regulations adopted pursuant thereto, he/she shall issue an order setting forth the alleged failures and advising the owner, occupant, or other person in control that such failures must be corrected. This order shall:
      (1)   Be in writing.
      (2)   Include a detailed statement of said violation and cite supporting sections of this chapter and other relevant rules and regulations of the City's code.
      (3)   Include corrective action(s) and a reasonable time for compliance.
         A.   A longer reasonable period of time may be authorized and agreed upon by the Code Enforcement Officer and the property owner, for violations which cannot be done properly in cold weather months, and which do not affect the immediate health and safety of the occupants of the building.
      (4)   Describe the premises where the violations are alleged to exist or to have been committed and include a description of the real estate sufficient for identification.
      (5)   Include an explanation of what penalties will be undertaken if there is failure to bring premises into compliance.
      (6)   Include a statement notifying the person of administrative appeal rights and procedures.
   (c)   Posting of Notice. Notice shall be sent to owner via regular U.S. Mail and posted on premises. Notice may also be left with the individual occupying the premises.
      (1)   Interim or final notice(s) imposing enforcement action and penalties shall be posted in a conspicuous place in or about the premises and may be sent by certified mail or properly served through the police or the courts.
   (d)   Reinspection. The Code Enforcement Officer shall reinspect the property upon the expiration of the time set forth in the notice of violation. The findings of the reinspection shall be communicated to the owner, occupant, operator, purchaser, or other person in control of the premises, dwelling, dwelling unit or accessory building.
      (1)   If upon reinspection, the alleged violations have been corrected, a note shall be made upon the record of the premises and the case shall be closed.
      (2)   If upon reinspection, good cause has been shown why the alleged violations have not been corrected, the Code Enforcement Officer may authorize an extension, in writing for compliance with the original notice of violation.
      (3)   If upon reinspection, the violation(s) has not been corrected, the Officer is authorized to take such enforcement action and impose penalties as is necessary to correct the violation(s).
   (e)   Reinspection Fee. A reinspection fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be charged when a person is found in violation and fails to comply with the notice of violation and other rules and regulations of this code within the time specified. Each inspection thereafter shall also be charged a reinspection fee.
   (f)   Administrative Fee. The City is authorized to charge an administrative fee for expenses incurred, including but not limited to, administrative costs, collections, and service, incurred in the enforcement and imposition of penalties for violations of this chapter.
   (g)   Court Costs. Any offender convicted under this chapter shall be responsible for payment of all associated court costs related to the violation.
(Ord. 2022-35. Passed 12-1-22.)