In addition to the provisions of the Building Code, as approved by Council, and unless otherwise indicated, the following standards shall apply to permits issued for the demolition of structures in the City.
(a) The demolition of any structure, primary or accessory, shall include the removal of all elements of the building, to include structural and roof parts, various and sundry debris generated by the demolition of the structure itself, any contents of the structure that remain at the time of demolition, and the building foundation.
(b) Removal of the foundation shall not be deemed complete unless and until every element of the foundation has been broken up and removed from the site, including all footers and material below grade, and until the removal site has been covered with dirt and brought back level to grade. Once brought to grade, the site shall be seeded (and protected from soil erosion until seeds take hold) or such other landscaping as may be appropriate shall be planted, subject to the approval of the Building and Zoning Administrator.
(c) The approval of any demolition permit is provisional, and shall not be considered final for the purposes of commencing work, unless the applicant has completed the following additional requirements:
(1) The applicant has filed the appropriate paperwork with the Regional Air Pollution Control Authority (RAPCA), the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA), or such other agency as shall have the authority to regulate the demolition of structures known to include asbestos containing materials;
(2) Having filed such paperwork, the applicant has ensured that all asbestos containing materials found in the structure have been removed in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Ohio Revised Code, or until approval has been granted by RAPCA to remove such asbestos containing materials during the normal course of demolition, provided that such removal is done in accordance with the requirements of the Ohio Revised Code;
(3) The applicant has received approval from RAPCA, the Ohio EPA, or such other agencies as may have the authority to regulate the demolition of structures known to include asbestos containing materials, to proceed with demolition, and furnished a copy of such approval to the Building and Zoning Administrator; and
(4) The applicant has submitted the demolition plans for plan review and received approval of the City Engineer.
(Ord. 2012-26. Passed 5-24-12.)