In the developed sections of the City that have never previously had sidewalks constructed, the following shall apply:
(a) New sidewalks in a new subdivision shall be paid for entirely by the developer or purchaser of a lot in a new subdivision as provided by ordinance.
(b) When other new sidewalks in other parts of the City are required, the same shall be constructed at the sole cost of the owner and/or developer. When the City requires the construction of sidewalks, the City shall share in side lot relief of corner lots. The owner shall pay for the longer frontage of a corner lot and for one-third of the cost of the shorter frontage of a corner lot. The City shall pay two-thirds of the cost of the shorter frontage of a corner lot.
(c) In addition, the City shall pay for the sidewalk construction costs in intersections and for two percent of the overall costs when such construction is required by the City.
(d) Owners of record who are sixty-five years of age or older may have any sidewalk assessments deferred for ten years if such senior citizen has an annual income of less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
(e) The City shall include costs of engineering for sidewalk improvements.
(f) The City shall pay, in full, costs of all sidewalks at intersections located within the street right-of-way.
(g) The City shall not use the assessment procedure to place the costs of new sidewalks upon the tax duplicate according to law unless the owners of sixty percent of the front footage of the property abutting an entire block petition Council for such construction.
(Ord. 2015-12. Passed 7-13-15.)