(A)   There is approved, adopted and established, in addition to the sewer charge based upon the volume of discharge, a sewer charge upon each person, company or corporation receiving waste treatment services within or served by the city, based upon strength of industrial waste discharged into the sanitary and storm sewer system of the city.
   (B)   The provisions of the current resolution adopted by the Metropolitan Council governing board, which provides for the establishment of a formula to determine pollution qualities and quantities of the sewage used by the industrial user in excess of an annual average base and the proportionate costs of operation and maintenance of waste treatment services provided by said Council, are incorporated in and made a part of this chapter as completely as if set out here in full.
   (C)   The strength charge established by division (A) of this section shall be paid by each industrial user receiving waste treatment services and subject thereto before the twentieth day next succeeding the date of billing thereof to such user by or on behalf of the city, and such payment thereof shall be deemed to be delinquent if not so paid to the billing entity before such date. Furthermore, if such payment is not paid before such date, an industrial user shall pay interest per month on the unpaid balance due at the highest rate allowed by law.
   (D)   If payment of the strength charge established by division (A) of this section is not paid before the sixtieth day next succeeding the date of billing thereof to the industrial user by or on behalf of the city, the delinquent sewer strength charge, plus accrued interest established pursuant to division (C) of this section, shall be deemed to be a charge against the owner, lessee and occupant of the property served, and the city shall certify such unpaid delinquent balance to the County Auditor, with taxes against the property served for collection as other taxes are collected; provided, however, that such certification shall not preclude the city from recovery of such delinquent sewer strength charge and interest thereon under any other available remedy.
(`89 Code, § 160.150) (Am. Ord. 657, passed 12-20-2005)