130.01 Disorderly conduct
130.02 Vagrancy
130.03 Destruction of public property
130.04 Destruction of private property
130.05 Unlawful use of utilities
130.06 Cooperation with public officer
130.07 False alarms
130.08 Advertising on utility poles
130.09 Dumping offensive substances
130.10 False reports of crimes
130.11 Issuance of dishonored checks
130.12 Trespassing
130.13 Harassing conduct prohibited
130.14 Disorderly house
130.15 Curfew for minors
130.16 Minors in amusement places
130.17 Offenses involving the person
130.18 Offenses involving property
130.19 Offenses involving public health and safety
130.20 Drugs, controlled substances
130.21 Fleeing a peace officer
130.22 Noise prohibited
130.24 Public use of hemp and cannabis products
130.99 Penalty
(A) No person shall do any of the following in a public or private place knowing, or having reasonable grounds to know, that it will or will tend to alarm, anger or disturb others or provide an assault or breach of the peace:
(1) Engage in brawling or fighting;
(2) Disturb an assembly or meeting, not unlawful in its character;
(3) Engage in offensive, obscene or abusive language or in boisterous and noisy conduct tending reasonably to arouse alarm, anger or resentment in others;
(4) Acts in a manner as to annoy, disturb, interfere with, obstruct or be offensive to another or others;
(5) Congregates with three or more together or near each other in any public street or on any foot walk or sidewalk in the city so as to obstruct the free passage of foot passengers, and so standing refuses to move on immediately upon request so to do made by any member of the Council or police officers;
(6) Frequents or loiters about any place soliciting any person for the purpose of committing any crime against nature or other lewdness;
(7) Willfully and lewdly exposing a person or other lewdness;
(8) Appears in person or on a public street, alley or other public place in a state of drunkenness or intoxication;
(9) Hides, lies and waits or conceals in any house or building or upon any yard or premises in said city with intent to do mischief or commit any offense prohibited by the laws of this state or the ordinances of this city;
(10) Interferes with, obstructs, renders danger for passage any lake, park, public square, street, alley or highway or any public place in said city;
(11) Interferes with and obstructs the Fire Department while engaging in fighting a fire;
(12) Stands or loiters in or about a doorway of any building or sits upon the steps, window sill or railings of any building in such a manner as to obstruct ingress and egress to and from each building or to the annoyance to the owner or occupant thereof or the public in case of a public building;
(13) Whoever conceals his or her identity in a public place by means of a robe, mask or other disguise, unless incidental to amusement or entertainment.
(B) A person doing any of the foregoing is guilty of disorderly conduct.
(`89 Code, § 171.050) Penalty, see § 130.99
M.S. § 609.725, as it may be amended from time to time, is adopted by reference.
(`89 Code, § 171.060) Penalty, see § 130.99
No person shall willfully or maliciously mark, deface, injure, break or destroy in any manner any public property.
(`89 Code, § 171.070) Penalty, see § 130.99