   120.01   Purpose
   120.02   Findings
   120.03   Definitions
   120.04   Exceptions
   120.05   License required
   120.06   Persons ineligible
   120.07   Places ineligible
   120.08   License application
   120.09   Fees
   120.10   Granting of licenses
   120.11   Conditions of license
   120.12   Restrictions and regulations
   120.13   Suspensions and revocation of license
   120.99   Penalty
   Appendix:   Resolution adopting the findings of the Report of the Attorney General’s Working Group on the Regulation of Sexually Oriented Businesses
§ 120.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter is to prescribe licensing requirements for sexually oriented businesses to protect the public health, safety, and welfare and to prevent criminal activity and the spread of sexually- transmitted diseases.
§ 120.02 FINDINGS.
   The City Council makes the following findings regarding the effect sexually oriented businesses have on the character of the city’s neighborhoods. In making these findings, the City Council accepts the recommendations and conclusions of the Report of the Attorney General’s Working Group on the Regulation of Sexually Oriented Businesses dated June 6, 1989, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. This chapter shall have no force and effect until the City Council accepts these recommendations by resolution of a majority of its members, using the model resolution contained in the Appendix of this chapter.
   (A)   Sexually oriented businesses can contribute to an increase in criminal activity in the area in which such businesses are located, increasing the demands on city crime-prevention programs and law enforcement services.
   (B)   Sexually oriented businesses can be used as fronts for prostitution and other criminal activity. The experience of other cities indicates that proper management and operation of such businesses can minimize this risk.
   (C)   Sexually oriented businesses can increase the risk of exposure to communicable diseases, including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), for which there is currently no cure. Experiences of other cities indicate that such businesses can facilitate the spread of communicable diseases by virtue of the design and use of the premises, endangering not only the patrons of such establishments but also the general public.
   (D)   Sexually oriented businesses can cause or contribute to public health problems by the presence of live adult entertainment in conjunction with food and/or drink on the same premises.
   (E)   A licensing and regulatory scheme as prescribed in this chapter can facilitate the enforcement of the city’s “anti-blight” regulations, as set forth in Chapter 153 of this code, and can aid in monitoring sexually oriented businesses for adverse secondary effects on the community.
   (F)   The risk of criminal activity and/or public health problems can be minimized through a licensing and regulatory scheme as prescribed in this chapter.