(A) Awning sign.
(1) Signs shall not exceed 75% of individual awning area or awning width.
(2) One awning sign per side of structure.
(3) The awning structure shall have a minimum eight-foot vertical clearance above sidewalk or pathway.
(B) Canopy sign.
(1) Signs shall not exceed 75% of individual canopy area or canopy width.
(2) One canopy sign per side of building.
(3) The canopy structure shall have a minimum eight-foot vertical clearance above sidewalk or pathway.
(4) The sign may be placed on the front, above, or suspended below the canopy.
(C) Electronic message centers (EMC).
(1) (a) General.
(b) Non-conforming signs shall not be eligible for conversion to an electronic message center.
(2) One electronic message center sign structure may be allowed per street frontage, not to exceed two EMC sign structures per site. Each structure may have two sign faces.
(3) Freestanding EMCs shall adhere to the height standards for freestanding signs.
(4) EMC display.
(a) EMCs shall maintain no less than an eight second dwell time for any images and messages.
(b) Any change from one static display to another must be instantaneous and shall not include any distracting effects, such as dissolving, spinning, or fading. Animation, motion, or video displays are prohibited.
(c) The images and messages displayed must be complete in themselves without continuation in content to the next image or message or to any other sign.
(d) No EMC shall have a brightness level that exceeds 0.3 foot-candles above ambient light as measured from the property line.
(e) All EMC signs shall include certification from the sign’s manufacturer that the sign has been preset to conform to the luminance levels noted above and these settings are protected from end users’ manipulation by password protected software.
(f) EMCs may use multiple colors within the display, but the use of color shall not create distraction or a hazard to the public health, safety, or welfare.
(5) EMC text size and legibility. The following minimum text sizes shall apply to all EMCs. If a sign is located on a corner with streets having differing speed limits, the minimum text size shall be based on the standard for higher speed limit to ensure legibility.
Minimum Text Sizes for EMC Signs | |
Speed Limit of Adjacent Road | Minimum Text Size |
25 to 34 MPH | 7" |
35 to 44 MPH | 9" |
45 to 54 MPH | 12" |
55 MPH or more | 15" |
(6) Operation.
(a) All EMCs shall be equipped with a means to immediately discontinue the display if it malfunctions.
(b) The owner of an EMC must immediately cease operation of their sign when notified by the city that it fails to comply with the standards of this chapter.
(D) Freestanding (includes monument, pylon, and post and arm sign types).
(1) The total area of one freestanding sign face shall not exceed one square foot of surface area for every one foot of lineal street frontage, not to exceed the maximum aggregate sign area per § 157.005
(2) One freestanding sign per street frontage.
(3) Height.
(a) Post and arm signs shall not exceed five feet above existing grade.
(b) Monument signs shall not exceed eight feet above existing grade.
(c) Pylon signs shall not exceed 25 feet above existing grade.
(d) Electronic message center signs shall not exceed eight feet above existing grade.
(E) Internal wayfinding sign.
(1) Appropriate number of signs to provide directional assistance given size of site and circulation pattern as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
(2) Signs shall not exceed eight feet in height.
(3) Internal wayfinding signs may come in the form of monument, pylon, or post and arm sign types.
(4) Signs shall be designed in a uniform manner (within individual subdivision or center) using consistent background color and typeface colors.
(F) Marquee.
(1) Signs shall not exceed 75% of the size of the marquee.
(2) Placement.
(a) Marquee structure shall have a minimum eight feet vertical clearance above sidewalk or pathway.
(b) May be placed on the front, above, or below the canopy.
(G) Projecting.
(1) One projecting sign per façade that is visible from a street, alley, or customer parking lot.
(2) Projection.
(a) Projecting signs shall not exceed 30 square feet in area.
(b) Projection shall not extend more than eight feet beyond the face of the building.
(c) Shall not be located directly over windows or in conflict with other signs or architectural features of the building.
(d) Projecting signs shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of eight feet above sidewalk or pathway, and a minimum vertical clearance of 14 feet when within five feet of a roadway.
(H) Roof.
(1) One roof sign per building.
(2) Roof signs shall not exceed six feet above the ridge line or parapet.
(3) The separation of the sign from the roofline to the bottom of the sign shall not be greater than one foot.
(I) Wall.
(1) A minimum of 10 square feet up to a maximum of one-third of the building face.
(2) One sign per tenant per façade visible from an adjacent street, alley, or customer parking lot.
(3) Wall signs shall not stand more than 4 inches away from the wall.
(4) Wall signs shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of 80 inches above sidewalk grade.
(J) Window. Permanent window signs are limited to one-third of the total surface area of the window to which they are affixed.
(Ord. 806, passed 7-26-2022; Am. Ord. 825, passed 12-19-2023)
(A) Multitenant wall signs.
(1) Tenants may install up to one wall sign for each building façade per leasehold area.
(2) Wall signs shall be limited to no more than 20% of the leasehold wall area on which the sign is to be erected.
(B) All other signage related to multitenant buildings shall be allotted to and not exceed the maximum square footage requirements per § 157.004(C).
(Ord. 806, passed 7-26-2022; Am. Ord. 812, passed 1-17-2023)
(A) Applicability. Nonpermanent signs are not intended for permanent installation. Nonpermanent signs come in a variety of types, each of which are regulated below. Where not specifically defined, nonpermanent signs shall be regulated per subsection (B), below.
(B) General regulations.
(1) Location.
(a) No nonpermanent sign may be placed in the right-of-way. Exception: bus bench and shelter signs, refer to subsections (C)(2) and (C)(3), below.
(b) If attached to a building, sign shall be flat and shall not project above the roof line.
(2) Limit. No more than four nonpermanent signs may be placed on a site at any one time.
(3) Area. The maximum aggregate area of nonpermanent signs shall not exceed the area standards per § 157.005
(4) Per M.S. § 211B.045, all noncommercial signs of any size may be posted in any number beginning 46 days before the state primary in a state general election year until ten days following the state general election. The same time limitations shall apply to local elections. Placement of such signs shall adhere to subsections (B)(1)(a) and (b) above.
(5) Maintenance. All nonpermanent signs must be maintained and shall be removed if material shows signs of wear such as fraying, fading, chipping, or other physical damage.
(C) Specific regulations by type of nonpermanent sign.
(1) A-frame (sandwich board).
(a) Signs must leave a minimum of six feet of clear walkway on the sidewalk.
(b) One sign allowed per business, ten square feet per side, four feet in height.
(c) Such signs shall not be left on the sidewalk overnight.
(2) Banner sign.
(a) Banner signs may extend across a public street only by permission of the governing body and shall be subject to all related laws and ordinances.
(b) One sign per property.
(c) Signs may be supported by posts or stakes which are attached to the ground or securely attached to the face of a building.
(3) Bus bench or shelter sign.
(a) Signs may be installed on bus benches and/or shelters within city right-of-way, pursuant to a franchise authorized by the City Council.
(b) One sign per bus bench or shelter.
(4) Feather sign.
(a) Sign shall be set back no less than ten feet from the curb or street.
(5) Flag.
(a) Sign shall be set back no less than ten feet from the curb or street.
(b) The maximum aggregate area of all flag signs shall not exceed 32 square feet.
(c) A flagpole shall not exceed a height of 25 feet.
(6) Freestanding. The sign shall be set back no less than ten feet from the curb or street. If four square feet or smaller, nonpermanent freestanding signs shall be set back no less than two feet from the curb or street.
(7) Window signs.
(a) Location. No limit on the location of the sign except as otherwise specified in this Code.
(b) Limit. Window signs are limited to one-third of the total surface area of the window to which they are affixed.
(Ord. 806, passed 7-26-2022; Am. Ord. 812, passed 1-17-2023)
(A) Prohibited sign types.
(1) Billboards.
(2) Flashing lights.
(3) Inflatable signs.
(4) Off-premises signs.
(5) Rotating signs.
(6) Signs that produce sound or include a noisemaking device or instrument for any purpose other than regulatory.
(7) Signs on or attached to mobile equipment where the sign is a principal use of the equipment on either a nonpermanent or permanent basis.
(8) Signs which are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring, or manner of illumination which may be confused with or construed as a traffic control device, or which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal or which obstruct the view in any direction at a street or road intersection.
(B) Prohibited signs are subject to removal by the city at the owner’s expense.
(Ord. 806, passed 7-26-2022)
(A) The following are not regulated by this chapter.
(1) Building addresses.
(2) Historic plaques.
(3) Governmental signs for control of traffic and other regulatory or notification purposes as governed under Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and Minnesota MUTCD.
(4) Murals.
(5) Notices required to be posted by law, including, but not limited to warning signs, dangerous dog, hazardous building, building permit, etc.
(6) Seasonal decorations, including inflatable seasonal decorations.
(7) Sculptures.
(Ord. 806, passed 7-26-2022)
(A) A NONCONFORMING SIGN is any sign that was legally established and maintained in compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws in effect at the time of original installation but that does not now comply with the provisions of this chapter. It is the intent of this chapter to recognize that the eventual elimination of signs that do not comply with the provisions of this chapter is as important as the prohibition of new signs that would violate these standards.
(B) General requirements. A nonconforming sign may not be:
(1) Changed to another nonconforming sign.
(2) Expanded.
(3) Reestablished after a business discontinued for more than one year.
(4) Reestablished after damage or destruction of more than 50% of its value, as determined by the Building Official, and no building permit has been applied for within 180 days of when the damage occurred.
(C) Amortization. After the date of enactment of this chapter, nonconforming signs located within any zoning district shall be brought into compliance with this chapter if said sign is to be expanded.
(D) Maintenance and repair. Non-conforming signs and sign structures may be maintained and repaired.
(Ord. 806, passed 7-26-2022)
An ABANDONED SIGN is a sign that has been inactive for a period of at least one year. An abandoned sign shall be removed by the owner or lessee of the premises upon which the sign is located when the activity related to said sign is no longer conducted on the premises. If the owner or lessee fails to remove the sign, the Zoning Administrator shall give the owner 30 days written notice to remove it. Upon failure to comply with the notice, the Zoning Administrator may have the sign removed at the owner’s expense.
(Ord. 806, passed 7-26-2022)
The city may grant a variance to provide relief to a property owner when the strict enforcement of the regulations for sign size, setbacks, height, and the like imposes practical difficulty on the property owner’s ability to reasonably display a message. Financial considerations are not justification for variances. The procedure for reviewing a variance shall follow that process outlined for zoning variances in § 154.004
(Ord. 806, passed 7-26-2022)