No person shall build, repair or extend any sanitary or storm sewer or drain or connect any sanitary sewer or storm sewer or drain to any public sanitary or storm sewer or drain without obtaining a permit. Permits shall be issued only to persons licensed under Chapter 110.
(`89 Code, § 160.050) Penalty, see § 10.99
Cross reference:
(A) Application for a permit shall be filed with the City Manager or designee by the person who shall perform the work. The form of the application shall be determined by the Manager. A plan shall be submitted with the application showing the proposed drain from its connection to the public sanitary sewer to its terminus within the building involved. The location of all branches, traps and fixtures connected therewith shall be shown. Such drawings shall be kept by the city as a permanent record.
(B) If the proposed sewer complies with the provisions of the code and is satisfactory to the Manager, the Manager shall issue a permit.
(`89 Code, § 160.070)
All connections with the public sanitary or storm sewer shall be made with such materials as are satisfactory to the State Code. No sanitary or storm sewer pipe connecting with any public sanitary or storm sewer shall have a fall of less than one-inch vertical to one-foot horizontal. Where sewer and water connections to the city systems are laid in the same trench, the sewer connection shall be of P.V.C. (plastic) of a type approved by the Council.
(`89 Code, § 160.090) (Am. Ord. 657, passed 12-20-2005)
All pipe shall be inspected by the Manager or designee before it is laid and be subject to approval. After any connection has been laid from a public sanitary or storm sewer to the building line, the pipe shall in no instance be covered until the same has been duly inspected and approved.
(`89 Code, § 160.100)