(A)   The governing body may provide for filling the vacancies as may occur in any elective office except the Office of Mayor, by appointment by the Mayor with the consent of the Council to hold the vacant office for the unexpired term, including calling a special election. Whenever the City Council shall fail to consent to any appointment made under this section by the Mayor by the close of the second regular Council meeting following the announcement of the appointment, the vacancy shall be filled by a special election in the ward in which the vacancy exists. If there is a vacancy of a majority of the City Council, there shall be a special election conducted by the Secretary of State.
   (B)   When there is a vacancy in the Office of the Mayor, the President of the Council shall serve as Mayor for the unexpired term, except that, if at least ½ of the previous Mayor’s term remains and a general election is to be held more than 60 days from the date of vacancy, a successor shall be elected at the next general election for the balance of the previous Mayor’s unexpired term.
   (C)   No officer who is removed at a recall election or resigns after the initiation of the recall process shall be appointed to fill the vacancy resulting from his or her removal or the removal of any other member of the same governing body during the remainder of his or her term of office.
(Prior Code, § 2-31)
Statutory reference:
   Vacancies in elected city offices, see Neb. RS 16-217