It shall be unlawful for any person to hold a license to sell at retail any alcoholic beverages unless the person is a resident of the state; satisfied the requirements of Neb. RS 53-125, as amended, and 53-126; is a person of good character and reputation; a citizen of the United States; a person who has never been convicted of a felony or any Class I misdemeanor pursuant to Neb. RS Ch. 28, Art. 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 or 12, or any similar offense under a prior criminal statute or in another state; a person who has never had a liquor license revoked for cause; a person whose premises, for which a license is sought, does not meet standards for fire safety as established by the state’s Fire Marshal; and a person who has not acquired a beneficial interest in more than 2 alcoholic beverage retail establishments since March 4, 1963. The beneficial interest requirement in this section shall not apply to a person applying for an additional license for use in connection with the operation of a hotel containing at least 25 sleeping rooms, or where the request is limited to on-premises sale of beer only in a restaurant.
(Prior Code, § 4-6) Penalty, see § 116.99