The city may approve, approve with conditions or deny a preliminary plat based on the following approval criteria:
   (A)   The proposed preliminary plat complies with the applicable subchapters and all other applicable ordinances and regulations. At a minimum, the provisions of this section and the applicable sections of this chapter including zoning districts, development standards, and streets and facilities shall apply. Where a variance is necessary to receive preliminary plat approval, the application shall also comply with §§ 155.105 through 155.110 of this chapter;
   (B)   The proposed streets, roads, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, pathways, utilities and surface water management facilities are laid out so as to conform or transition to the plats of subdivision and maps of major partitions already approved for adjoining property as to width, grade, general direction and in all other respects. All proposed public improvements and dedications are identified on the preliminary plat;
   (C)   All proposed private common areas and improvements (such as, homeowners association property) are identified on the preliminary plat;
   (D)   Evidence that any required state and federal permits have been obtained, or shall be obtained before approval of the final plat;
   (E)   Evidence the improvements or conditions required by the city, road authority, county, clean water services, special districts, utilities and/or other service providers, as applicable to the project, have been or shall be met;
   (F)   A traffic impact study (TIS) has been provided, if applicable, in accordance with the provisions of §§ 155.025 through 155.033 of this chapter;
   (G)   If any part of the site is located within a specific area plan district, overlay district or previously approved Master Plan development, it shall conform to the applicable regulations and/or conditions. If a floodplain development permit or significant natural resource overlay permit is required for the development of the subdivision, the floodplain development permit or significant natural resource overlay permit must be approved prior to approval of the subdivision preliminary plat. In most cases, this will require two separate hearings before the Planning Commission; and
   (H)   For subdivisions in residential zones or proposing residential development, the plat shall include municipal park area, with a minimum size of 400 square feet per dwelling unit in the subdivision.
(Prior Code, § 16.135.015) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016; Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 454, passed 10-1-2018; Ord. 470, passed 8-17-2020)