(A) Density. The density of new developments within the R-7.5 zoning district shall be between 4.3 and 5.8 dwelling units per net acre, with a target density of 5.5 dwelling units per net acre.
(B) Lot/parcel size. All uses: 7,500 square feet minimum lot size (lots in a subdivision may average a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet).
(C) Lot/parcel depth and width.
(1) The minimum average lot width shall be 60 feet.
(2) The minimum average lot depth shall be 80 feet.
(D) Minimum setback requirements. Principle structures, accessory dwellings, and accessory structures with a floor area greater than 200 square feet shall maintain the following minimum yard setbacks.
(1) Front yard.
(a) Principle structure: 15 feet.
(b) Garage: 20 feet.
(c) A porch, garage, carport, accessory dwelling or accessory structure shall not exceed the front building elevation of the principle structure by more than six feet.
(2) Rear yard.
(a) Street-access lots: ten feet.
(b) Alley-access lots: two feet.
(c) Accessory structures and accessory dwellings: five feet.
(3) Side yard.
(a) Interior: five feet.
(b) Adjacent to street: ten feet, plus additional necessary to comply with the standards of § 155.656 of this chapter.
(E) Height of buildings. Buildings shall not exceed a height, measured from grade, of 35 feet. Accessory dwellings and accessory structures shall not exceed 25 feet.
(F) Lot/parcel coverage. The maximum impervious surface coverage shall not exceed 65% of the total area of any lot.
(Prior Code, §16.020.015) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016; Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 477, passed 2-22-2022)