Any conditional use authorized pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to the following additional requirements.
   (A)   A conditional use shall be subject to the standards of the zoning district in which it is located, except as these standards have been modified in authorizing the conditional use. No modification of a zoning district standard shall have the effect of rezoning the property.
   (B)   A conditional use may be enlarged or altered pursuant to the following.
      (1)   Major alterations of a conditional use including changes, alterations or deletion of any conditions imposed shall be processed as a new conditional use permit application.
      (2)   Minor alterations of a conditional use may be approved by the city as a limited land use permit pursuant to §§ 155.025 through 155.033 of this chapter if requested prior to issuance of building permits for the conditional use. Minor alterations are those changes which may affect the siting and dimensions of structural and other improvements relating to the conditional use, and may include small changes in the use itself. Any change which would affect the basic type, character, arrangement or intent of the conditional use originally approved shall be considered a major alteration.
(Prior Code, § 16.180.020) (Ord. 434, passed 12-5-2016)