   Permanent signs for all residential uses and for nonresidential uses in residential districts and park districts shall comply with the regulations set forth in this Section.
   (a)    Single-family residential properties:
      (1)    Each single-family residential property is permitted a maximum of two (2) permanent signs provided the combined sign area does not exceed two (2) square feet in total sign area.
      (2)    Signs may be freestanding, mounted to a permanent building or structure or displayed in a window.
      (3)    Freestanding signs shall be located on private property, a minimum of six (6) feet from the street right-of-way and fifteen (15) feet from the side lot line.
      (4)    Freestanding signs shall not exceed four (4) feet in height.
      (5)    Signs shall not be illuminated.
   (b)    Nonresidential Uses in the R-1 Residential Zoning District and in the P-1 Park District:
      (1)    Nonresidential uses are permitted signs not to exceed thirty (30) square feet in total sign area. The sign area may be either a wall sign or a freestanding sign or a combination of the two.
      (2)    The height of a freestanding sign shall not exceed six (6) feet.
      (3)    A maximum of thirty percent (30%) of the area of a freestanding sign may be devoted to changeable copy, provided the changeable copy shall not be changed more than once per day.
      (4)    Freestanding signs may be illuminated in compliance with the illumination requirements in Section 1139.09.
      (5)    Conditionally permitted uses may be permitted additional sign area as part of conditional use approval by the Planning Commission if the Planning Commission determines that, because of the large size of the facility and its site, the proposed larger sign will be consistent with the objectives, intent and criteria of this Chapter.
         (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)
   Permanent signs for all uses in Commercial, Industrial, and Mixed-Use Districts shall comply with the regulations set forth in this Section.
   (a)    Building Signs.
      (1)    Building signs include wall or fascia signs, window signs, and signs otherwise permanently applied parallel to the building wall or other surfaces, including awnings.
      (2)    The maximum permitted area for building signs shall be one square feet for every lineal foot of building frontage.
         A.    For the purposes of these sign regulations, building frontage shall include the building elevation facing a public street, facing a primary parking area for the building or tenants or containing the public entrance(s) to the building or building units.
         B.    Notwithstanding the above standard, each building shall be permitted a minimum of 40 square feet of building sign area.
      (3)    Increased Sign Area for Large Building Setbacks and Building Frontage.
         A.    The maximum allowable area for building signs may be increased by one-half square foot of sign area for each foot of building frontage when the principal building is set back more than 200 feet from the principal street on which the building is located.
         B.    The sign area may also be increased by one-half square foot of sign area for each lineal foot for that portion of the building which is more than 200 feet from the street and facing such street when the additional sign area is included in a sign placed on that portion of the building.
      (4)    Window Signs. Notwithstanding the permitted sign area set forth in Section 1139.06(a)(1), signs placed in or on a window shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total glass area of the ground floor windows. For the purposes of determining the window area of a ground floor, the ground floor shall be considered to be no more than fifteen (15) feet in height above grade.
   (b)    Freestanding Signs.
      (1)    Freestanding signs shall be limited to one (1) per property held in single and separate ownership, unless specifically permitted otherwise.
      (2)    Freestanding signs shall comply with the maximum permitted area and height specified in Table 1139.06(b), except as otherwise specifically permitted in this Chapter.
Table 1139.06(b) Freestanding Signs
I-1 Light
M-1 Mixed
A. Maximum Area (square feet)
B. Maximum Height (feet)
C. Minimum Setback from Street
Right-of-way (feet)
D. Minimum Setback from Side
lot line (feet)
(i) Plus 1 square foot for every seven (7) feet of lot frontage >200 ft. Notwithstanding any provision of this Section, the area of any freestanding sign shall not exceed 50 square feet.
      (3)    Signs on Corner Lots. For corner lots, each street frontage shall be calculated separately.
         A.    The allowable sign area permitted by this Section may be distributed to one or more freestanding sign(s) for each 200 feet of lot frontage or fraction thereof.
         B.    The total area of all freestanding signs shall comply with Table 1139.06(b).
         C.    Two signs may be aggregated into a single sign provided that the area of any freestanding sign face shall not exceed 50 square feet for a single sign.
      (4)    Additional Freestanding Signs for Large Lots. The number of freestanding signs on a large lot may be increased as follows. The allowable sign area permitted by this Section may be distributed to one or more freestanding sign(s) for each 200 feet of lot frontage or fraction thereof. The total area of all freestanding signs shall comply with Table 1139.06(b).
      (5)    Minimum Separation of Freestanding Sign. Whenever multiple freestanding signs are permitted on a lot, the freestanding signs shall be separated by a minimum of 200 feet, as measured along the street right-of-way line. For corner lots, both lot lines that coincide with the street right-of-way line shall be used in measuring spacing.
      (6)    Landscaping. Freestanding signs shall be erected in a landscaped setting and not on sidewalks, access drives or in parking lots. Neither the landscaping nor the freestanding sign shall obstruct the view of vehicles entering or exiting the property.
   (c)    Projecting Signs.
      (1)    Projecting signs shall be limited to one (1) per building facade on which any such sign is mounted except for a use that fronts on more than one (1) street, in which case, one (1) such sign shall be permitted per facade for each separate street frontage.
      (2)    The area of a projecting signs shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet, which shall be in addition to the area allowance for building signs.
      (3)    All projecting signs shall have a maximum height of 14 feet and a minimum clearance of eight (8) feet from the ground to the bottom of the sign, except when the projecting sign is located above a landscaped area or other area that does not permit pedestrian traffic beneath the sign.
   (d)    Entrance Signs. Freestanding signs that meet the standards of this subsection are allowed in all nonresidential districts in addition to the square footage of permanent freestanding signs permitted in Table 1139.06(b).
      (1)    Entrance signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area and four (4) feet in height, and  shall be located within 10 feet of the access drive to the site, in compliance with requirements for visibility at intersections set forth in Section 1139.09(c).
      (2) Such signs may have internal or external illumination.
   (e)    Instructional Signs. Instructional or “way-finding” signs shall be permitted in addition to all other signs when they are of such size and location that satisfy the intended instructional purpose. Instructional signs shall be permitted without limitation as to number or size and may include the name of the business and logos.
      (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)
   (a)    Changeable copy by non-electronic means may be utilized on any permitted sign located along US 20.
   (b)    In the C-1 Commercial District and the M-1 Mixed Use Light Industrial/Office District, electronic  message centers (EMCs) are permitted in accordance with the sign areas permitted in Section 1139.06 and when in compliance with the following:
      (1)    An EMC sign may be a portion of a building sign or freestanding sign, or may comprise the entire area of the sign, and shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total sign area permitted on the site.
      (2)    Only one (1) EMC sign is permitted on a lot with frontage along US 20.
      (3)    All EMC signs shall have automatic dimming controls, either by photocell (hardwired) or  via software settings, in order to bring the EMC lighting level at night into compliance with Section 1139.09.
      (4)    EMC signs shall have a minimum display time of eight (8) seconds. The transition time between messages and/or message frames is limited to three (3) seconds and these transitions may employ fade, dissolve, and or other transition effects.
      (5)    The following EMC display features and functions are prohibited: Animation, continuous scrolling and/or traveling, flashing, spinning, rotating, and similar moving effects, and all dynamic frame effects or patterns of illusionary movement or simulating movement.
         (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)