(a)    Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided in conformance with the provisions of this Chapter prior to occupying or using any building, structure, land or portion thereof whenever:
      (1)    A building is constructed or a new use is established;
      (2)    An existing building is altered and/or there is an increase in the number of dwelling units, seating capacity and/or floor area of a building; or
      (3)    The use of an existing building or structure or use of land is changed to a use that requires more off-street parking facilities.
   (b)    Existing Uses:
      (1)    The requirements of this chapter shall not apply to buildings and uses legally existing on the effective date of this amendment unless modified in a manner described in subsection 1137.02(a).
      (2)    Any parking area now serving such existing buildings or uses shall not be reduced below the capacity that was provided on the effective date of this amendment.  (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)