This section contains additional standards and requirements that apply to the use type listed, and apply to all zoning districts in which the use is permitted, unless otherwise expressly stated. Any use in this section that is regulated as a conditional use in the district in which it proposed shall also comply with the conditional use approval criteria set forth in Chapter 1109.
   (a)    Adult family homes and small residential facilities. The following standards shall apply to all  adult family homes and small residential facilities.
      (1)    The persons residing in such residential home shall live as a single housekeeping unit in a single dwelling unit and maintain said home as their sole, bona fide, permanent residence. The term "permanent residence" means:
         A.    The resident intends to live at the dwelling on a continuing basis; and,
         B.    The resident does not live at the dwelling in order to receive counseling, treatment, therapy or medical care.
      (2)    Evidence shall be presented that the proposed facility meets the certification, licensing, or approval requirements of the appropriate state agency. Failure to maintain such license, certification or other approval requirements shall result in immediate revocation of the home's occupancy permit;
      (3)    The home/facility shall meet local fire safety requirements for the proposed use and level of occupancy.
   (b)    Agricultural Uses, including Keeping and Raising Farm Animals and Roadside Stands. The following standards shall apply to all agricultural uses.
      (1)    Agriculture conducted on a lot in a residential district shall be limited to the raising of fruits, vegetables, or nursery stock for private use, consumption or incidental sale, provided no products shall be sold except those that are produced on the premises, except as may otherwise be permitted in this section.
      (2)    All agricultural activities related to the raising of fruits, vegetables, or nursery stock shall be located a minimum of 75 feet from the front lot line and 50 feet from the side and rear property lines.
      (3)    Roadside stands. Any lot that is used for permitted agricultural purposes shall be permitted to have one seasonal roadside stand that is accessory to the agricultural use, provided such roadside stand complies with the following.
         A.    A roadside stand consisting of temporary and removable structures and roadside sales tables shall not require a zoning permit, provided that the products displayed for sale are agricultural in nature and produced by the occupant on the same lot where the agricultural activities take place.
         B.    The roadside stand shall be located in the front yard, a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the road right of way and shall provide adequate gravel parking area to accommodate customer parking.
         C.    All signs on the premise of the roadside stand shall comply with Chapter 1139.
         D.    Use of the roadside stand shall be conducted so that the use is not injurious, dangerous or offensive by reason of odor, dust, smoke, gas, noise, fumes, flame or vibration.
         E.    Any stand selling products not grown or produced by the occupant shall be deemed a commercial business, shall make application for a zoning permit, and shall only be permitted when located in a zoning district that permits retail sales.
      (4)    The keeping/raising of farm animals, including chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, rabbits, small hoofed animals such as sheep and goats, and similar farm animals, and cages, coops and enclosures for the keeping of such animals, shall comply with the following:
         A.    The minimum lot size required to keep or raise small livestock shall be one acre.
         B.    The number of hoofed animals that may be kept on a lot shall not  exceed one animal per each acre of lot area.
         C.    A maximum of six (6) farm animals not including hoofed animals may be kept on the property. Roosters are not permitted. However, if the gender of a chick cannot be determined at hatching, a chick of either gender may be kept on the property for no more than six (6) months
         D.    Coops, Cages and other enclosures. Farm animals not including hoofed animals shall be provided with a covered, predator-proof coop or cage or other shelter that is thoroughly ventilated, designed to be easily accessed and cleaned, and of sufficient size to permit free movement of the animals, exclusive of areas used for storage of materials or vehicles.
            1.    The coops and cages housing such animals shall be located in the rear yard, a minimum of 20 feet from a side or rear lot line and a minimum of ten (10) feet from any dwelling unit.
            2.    The total area of all coops or cages on a lot shall not be greater than thirty-two (32) square feet for up to six (6) animals. Coops and cages shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height.
            3.    Enclosures and Fences. Such animals shall have access to an outdoor enclosure adequately fenced or otherwise bounded to contain the animals on the property and to prevent access by dogs and other predators and providing at least ten (10) square feet of area for each such animal.
         E.    All hoofed animals shall be provided a suitable structure for protection from the weather, and contained in a suitable corral.
            1.    Any structure used as a shelter for any hoofed animal shall: be set back a minimum of 100 feet from all neighboring inhabited structures; shall not exceed the height of the principal building; shall be permitted in the side or rear yard but not closer than 80 feet to a side or rear lot line; and shall not be closer than 100 feet from a well or other potable water source.
            2.    Fencing utilized to corral, pen or confine hoofed animals shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from all property lines.
         F.    Slaughtering of farm animals is prohibited, and no commercial activity shall be permitted as a result from the keeping of farm animals on the property.
         G.    The restrictions of this section do not pertain to household pets or companion animals, which are defined as any animal kept inside a residential dwelling and any dog or cat regardless of where it is kept.
         H.    All facilities must be kept in good repair, maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, and free of vermin, obnoxious smells and substances. The facility will not create a nuisance or disturb neighboring residents due to noise, odor, damage or threats to public health.
         I.    No storage of compost or manure is permitted in a front or side yard or within twenty (20) feet of the side or rear lot line.
   (c)    Assembly Halls, Meeting Places.
      (1)    The minimum lot area shall be two acres, and the minimum lot width shall be 200 feet.
      (2)    Buildings shall be located a minimum of 75 feet from the street right-of-way and 75 feet from side and rear lot lines.
   (d)    Bed and Breakfast Inns. Bed and Breakfast Inns are unique semi-commercial operations that adapt a residential environment into a lodging concept limited in scope and operation. The regulations presented herein provide a systematic set of requirements to ensure that such operations shall not adversely impact adjacent uses as a result of the commercial aspects of the structure and property. Bed and Breakfast Inns shall be subordinate to the principal use of a single-family dwelling.
      (1)    In submitting an application for a conditional use permit, the applicant shall provide to the Planning Commission a floor plan illustrating the proposed operation, a site plan indicating all on-site improvements, and any additional information as required by the Planning Commission.
      (2)    The use shall only be permitted in an existing structure that is currently used, or has previously been used, for residential purposes.
      (3)    Owner-Operator. The owner/operator of the Bed and Breakfast Inn shall live full time on the Inn’s premises. Such owner/operator shall be the record owner of no less than sixty percent (60%) interest of the property in question.
      (4)    Guests and Guest Rooms.
         A.    There shall be no more than four guest rooms within a single-family dwelling that are utilized by bed and breakfast guests.
         B.    A guest room shall contain no less than 100 square feet of living space, not including closets, for two guests and thirty square feet for additional guests up to a total of four guests per room.
         C.    Each paying guest may stay at a Bed and Breakfast Inn for not more than nine consecutive nights at any single visit nor more than forty-five nights in any calendar year.
         D.    Guest Register. A guest register listing the name, address and phone number of all paying guests shall be maintained by the owner/operator and shall be made available, with reasonable notice, for inspection by the Village Zoning Inspector.
      (5)    Food Service.
         A.    Only one kitchen facility shall be permitted per structure for which a conditional use permit is granted to operate a Bed and Breakfast Inn. No cooking appliances shall be permitted in individual guest quarters, except for electric coffee pot, refrigerator and/or microwave oven.
         B.    Meals. Only one meal shall be served to each guest of the Bed and Breakfast Inn and that meal shall be breakfast. The sale of alcoholic beverages to paying guests is prohibited in a Bed and Breakfast Inn.
      (6)    Bathrooms. A minimum of one full bathroom, including shower, toilet and sink shall be required for every two guest rooms to be available for the exclusive use of bed and breakfast paying guests. Bed and Breakfast Inns shall be serviced by public sanitary sewer and water service.
      (7)    Parking. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in compliance with Chapter 1137. Such off-street parking spaces may be provided in an existing driveway.
      (8)    Employees. Not more than three non-residents of the dwelling may be employed in the operation of a Bed and Breakfast Inn.
      (9)    Signage. See Chapter 1139
      (10)    Certificate of Fire and Health Officer. Certificates from the Perry Fire District and the Lake County Board of Health shall be required for each conditional use permit requesting approval for a Bed and Breakfast Inn. Each guest room shall contain a separately installed smoke detector alarm approved by the Fire Officer. No premises shall be utilized for a Bed and Breakfast Inn unless there are at least two separate exits to the outdoors.
      (11)    Special Gatherings/Events. Rental of the Bed and Breakfast Inn for special gatherings/events, such as wedding receptions and parties, shall require a temporary use  permit approved by the Village Planning Commission.
   (e)    Boarding House/Rooming House. A boarding house or rooming house shall be permitted provided the persons living in the house comply with the definition of family.
   (f)    Car Wash Establishments. A car wash establishment shall comply with the following:
      (1)    The facility shall be located in an area covered by a roof.
      (2)    The area for the facility shall be located on the lot so as to utilize the maximum amount of the lot for the purpose of containing the waiting line of cars prior to the time the cars or other vehicles are actually serviced.
   (g)    Cemeteries.
      (1)    The minimum lot area shall be 5 acres and the minimum lot width shall be 200 feet.
      (2)    Buildings shall be located a minimum of 75 feet from each lot line.
      (3)    Parking shall not be located in the front yard and shall be a minimum of 20 feet from side and rear lot lines.
   (h)    Child Day Care Center. A child day care center shall be subject to the following:
      (1)    The location and design of the facility shall provide for the protection of the patrons from the traffic, noise, and other hazards of the area and/or the arterial street location.
      (2)    A child day-care home, as defined in the Planning and Zoning Code, is considered a residential use of property for zoning purposes and shall be permitted by right in all residential zoning districts.
   (i)    Construction Trade/Contractor Facilities shall comply with the following.
      (1)    Truck routes shall be established for movement in and out of the site in such a way that it will minimize the wear on public streets and prevent hazards and damage to other properties in the community.
      (2)    The outdoor overnight parking and storage of any trucks and other equipment shall be enclosed by a solid wall or fence, including solid gates, having a minimum height of seven feet, which must be maintained at all times.
      (3)    All fences or walls required in this section shall be constructed of uniform materials painted or otherwise preserved, and approved by the Commission. Additional fences, walls or evergreen hedges may be required by the Commission if necessary to adequately screen the materials from adjoining residential districts or public streets.
   (j)    Crematory Facilities shall comply with the following.
      (1)    The following definitions shall apply for this section:
         A.    "Cremation" means the technical process of using heat and flame to reduce human remains to bone fragments or ashes or any combination thereof. "Cremation" includes processing and may include the pulverization of bone fragments.
         B.    "Cremation chamber" means the enclosed space within which  cremation takes place.
         C.    "Cremation remains" means all human remains recovered after the completion of the cremation process, which may include the residue of any foreign matter such as casket material, dental work or eyeglasses that were cremated with the human remains.
         D.    "Crematory" means the building or portion of a building that houses the holding facility and the cremation chamber.
         E.    "Operator of a crematory facility" means the sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company or other business entity responsible for the overall operation of a crematory facility.
         F.    "Pulverization" means the reduction of identifiable bone fragments to granulated particles by manual or mechanical means after the completion of the cremation process.
      (2)    The crematory facility shall not be located within 200 feet of any dwelling located in a residential district.
      (3)    Any person who engages, in whole or in part, in the cremation shall be licensed by the Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors as provided in Ohio R.C. Chapter 4717.
      (4)    The operator, owner or any other person involved in the crematory operation shall obtain and show to Planning Commission any and all licenses required by Ohio R.C. Chapter 4717 or any other statute of the State of Ohio.
      (5)    Access for the unloading of the remains to the crematory shall be in the interior of the crematory.
      (6)    Landscape screening of the crematory from adjacent properties may be required and a landscape plan approved by Planning Commission.
   (k)    Distribution Facility, Warehousing and Wholesale Trade.
      (1)    The minimum lot size shall be three acres, and the minimum lot width shall be 200 feet.
      (2)    All drive lanes and maneuvering areas shall be constructed of a paved dust-free surface and provided with adequate drain systems to accommodate storm water.
      (3)    Where the site is adjacent to a residential zoning district, hours of operation may be restricted.
      (4)    When the site is adjacent to a residential zoning district, a side and rear buffer area of 100 feet shall be maintained and shall be landscaped per plans approved by the Planning Commission.
      (5)    All vehicular access shall have direct access to an arterial or collector street to minimize impacts on local streets and shall be designed so as not to create an interference with traffic on surrounding public streets.
   (l)    Drive-Thru Facilities. Drive-thru facilities in association with a permitted principal or conditional use as set forth in the regulations of the district in which such facility is proposed shall comply with the following:
      (1)    Loud speaker systems shall be approved as part of the site plan and shall not create a nuisance for adjacent properties.
      (2)    Access drives shall be 100 feet from an intersection; one access drive per street frontage shall be permitted; and interconnecting circulation aisles between parcels shall be provided when practicable.
      (3)    The Planning Commission may impose restrictions on the hours of operation.
   (m)    Emergency Care Center. Emergency care centers shall comply with the following:
      (1)    Outdoor storage of ambulances and other vehicles used in the operation of the principal use may be permitted provided such storage areas shall be located in the side or rear yard in off-street parking areas.
      (2)    Such uses shall be located in an area least disruptive to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
   (n)    Funeral Home.
      (1)    The minimum lot area shall be two acres, and the minimum lot width shall be 200 feet.
      (2)    Buildings shall be located a minimum of 75 feet from the street right-of-way and 75 feet from side and rear lot lines.
   (o)    Gasoline Station. A gasoline station shall comply with the following:
      (1)    Gasoline stations located on a corner lot shall have not less than 200 feet frontage on each of the two intersecting streets.
      (2)    Fuel pumps may be erected in a front yard but not less than twenty feet from the public right-of-way.
      (3)    A canopy may be constructed over the pump island provided the canopy shall be no closer than twenty feet to the right-of-way.
      (4)    No junk or unlicensed motor vehicles shall be permitted to be parked or stored on the property. No inoperable vehicle shall be permitted to remain on the property for more than forty-eight hours.
      (5)    All activities provided at gasoline stations, except those required to be performed at a fuel pump, air dispenser, or self-serve automobile vacuum, shall be carried on entirely inside a building.
      (6)    On a corner lot, the location of access drives to the street shall be placed as far from the intersection as possible and shall be limited to no more than one access drive per fronting street.
      (7)    A gasoline station may be combined with any other permitted use provided the parking space requirements for both uses are met.
   (p)    Heavy Manufacturing. Heavy manufacturing shall comply with the following.
      (1)    The outdoor storage of any raw materials shall be enclosed by a solid wall or fence, including solid gates, having a minimum height of seven feet, which must be maintained at all times.
      (2)    All fences or walls required in this section shall be constructed of uniform materials painted or otherwise preserved, and approved by the Commission. Additional fences, walls or evergreen hedges may be required by the Commission if necessary to adequately screen the materials from adjoining districts or public streets.
   (q)    Indoor Commercial Recreation and Indoor Entertainment. Indoor commercial recreation and indoor entertainment facilities shall comply with the following:
      (1)    The proposed use shall not generate excessive noise beyond the premises. In order to minimize any effects of the above, the Planning Commission may require additional noise reduction measures to assure that the level of noise is no more than the prevailing noise levels of permitted uses in the District.
      (2)    The hours of operation may be regulated by the Planning Commission.
      (3)    There shall be no outside activities conducted.
      (4)    All activities shall take place in a fully enclosed sound restrictive building with closed windows.
      (5)    Public restrooms shall be provided and maintained.
      (6)    The facility shall meet all county or State of Ohio health, building, electrical and other applicable codes. In case of overlapping codes and/or jurisdictions, the more restrictive shall apply.
   (r)    Outdoor Commercial Recreation, Public Outdoor Active Recreation Facilities. Outdoor recreation facilities shall comply with the following:
      (1)    The proposed use shall not generate excessive noise, odor, dust or smoke beyond the premises. In order to minimize any effects of the above, the Planning Commission may require all applicable surface areas to be paved, and impose additional noise reduction measures, including mounding, landscaping and sound barriers, to assure that the level of noise is less than or the same as the prevailing noise levels of permitted uses in the District.
      (2)    All active recreation areas shall be enclosed by a fence having a minimum height of five feet, unless a different enclosure is approved by the Planning Commission.
      (3)    Access drives shall be located at least 100 feet from an intersection.
      (4)    All structures including lighting fixtures shall have a maximum height of thirty-five feet.
      (5)    Rifle ranges, skeet shooting ranges, pistol ranges and other uses involving the use of fire arms shall not be permitted.
      (6)    Public restrooms shall be provided and maintained.
      (7)    The hours of operation may be regulated by the Planning Commission.
   (s)    Outdoor Dining Areas. Outdoor dining areas on a private property shall be regulated as follows:
      (1)    An outdoor dining area may be allowed as an accessory use to a restaurant with an indoor eating area on the same site; provided, the outdoor dining area shall not replace any off-street parking, loading, or landscaping areas as may be required by this resolution.
      (2)    The outdoor dining area shall not encroach on the public right-of-way.
      (3)    Enclosing an outdoor dining area either by a permanent roof or to expand the existing structure shall meet all the requirements of a building within the applicable zoning district and shall require the issuance of a zoning certificate.
      (4)    The use of electronics (e.g., televisions, radios, or speakers) and live entertainment in the outdoor dining area shall not generate excessive noise or otherwise have a negative impact on the surrounding properties.
   (t)    Outdoor Storage of Fleet Vehicles. Fleet vehicles used in the operation of the principal use may be stored outdoors on the lot in compliance with the following:
      (1)    The outdoor storage of fleet vehicles shall be located in a side or rear yard in compliance with the parking setbacks set forth in Table 1139.05 for the district in which the lot is located.
      (2)    The outdoor storage area shall:
         A.    Not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the ground floor area of the principal building;
         B.    Not occupy or interfere with traffic circulation, required parking areas, public sidewalks or pedestrian access;
         C.    Be paved in compliance with the pavement requirements for parking lots;
         D.    Be enclosed with a fence having a minimum height of not less than six feet.
   (u)    Outdoor Storage of Materials. A conditional use permit allowing the outdoor storage of materials may be approved by the Planning Commission in compliance with the following.
      (1)    The allowance for the outdoor storage of materials shall be restricted to the storage of goods, materials, equipment or products associated with the principal use.
      (2)    The outdoor storage of the following types of items shall not be permitted:
         A.    Radioactive, toxic or otherwise hazardous materials.
         B.    Recycled materials, or used or salvaged metals, vehicles or equipment, or other items that meet the definition of a junk yard or rubbish dump.
         C.    Over the road trailers used solely for storage;
         D.    Non-operational vehicles, trailers, trailers without wheels and axles; inoperable trailers;
         E.    Goods, materials, equipment, vehicles and similar items that are not associated with the principal use of the lot.
      (3)    Area. The area of the lot devoted to outdoor storage shall not exceed the ground floor area of the principal building.
      (4)    Location.
         A.    Areas devoted to outdoor storage shall be located in a side or rear yard only and shall comply with the building setbacks set forth in the district regulations for the district in which the lot is located, unless otherwise permitted by the Planning Commission.
         B.    All outdoor storage areas must be contiguous to the principal building.
         C.    No outdoor storage area shall be permitted to occupy or interfere with traffic circulation, required parking areas, public sidewalks or pedestrian access.
      (5)    Areas devoted to outdoor storage shall, at a minimum, be surfaced with gravel or other similar material approved by the Planning Commission.
      (6)    All storage shall be kept in neat orderly rows, kept free of weeds or other unsightly conditions such as partially ripped off tarpaulins and regularly maintained to ensure that dust does not become a nuisance.
      (7)    All materials shall be stored in such a manner as to be accessible to firefighting equipment at all times.
      (8)    Outdoor storage areas shall be effectively screened from all adjacent residential districts, public parking areas and public streets as required in Chapter 1159 and such screening shall have a height tall enough to conceal all operations and materials therein from the view of any observer standing at the grade level at an abutting residential district line or a public street.
      (9)    Application. Each application shall clearly state the type of goods, materials, equipment or products that will be stored outdoors on the lot and the location on the lot of such outdoor storage.
   (v)    Publicly owned parks, playgrounds, and other recreational facilities, shall comply with the following additional requirements:
      (1)    An outdoor playground, tot lot, exercise area or activity area may be located on any size lot, provided that such recreational facilities are not located within a required front, side or rear yard, as specified for the district in which it is located.
      (2)    Flood lighting and other lighting of playfields, buildings and parking areas shall be located and designed so that the illumination is focused upon the areas or building and to prevent glare upon the surrounding residences.
      (3)    Outdoor playgrounds, tot lots, exercise areas or activity areas shall be fully enclosed by a fence.
      (4)    The access points should be located to minimize thru traffic on residential streets.
      (5)    Outdoor active recreation facilities shall comply with the regulations in  Section 1131.02(r).
   (w)    Places of Worship and Educational Facilities, are subject to the following:
      (1)    The minimum lot area shall be two acres and the minimum lot width shall be 200 feet.
      (2)    Buildings shall be located a minimum of 75 feet from the street right-of-way and 75 feet from side and rear lot lines.
      (3)    When located in the R-1 District, parking shall not be located in the front yard and shall be a minimum of 20 feet from side and rear lot lines.
      (4)    In any district, the Planning Commission may require (when appropriate) all outdoor children's activity areas to be completely fenced to minimize traffic hazards.
   (x)    Retail Sales (Limited) as an Accessory Use. Principal uses in the applicable zoning district may include limited retail sales as an accessory use provided:
      (1)    The floor area dedicated to retail sales is less than 10% of the total building floor area;
      (2)    The retail sales take place in the principal building; and
      (3)    The retail sales are related to the services rendered, products stored, or  products produced as part of the principal use.
   (y)    Short Term Rental of Single-Family Dwelling. Use of a single-family dwelling for short term rental shall comply with the following regulations:
      (1)    In submitting an application for a zoning permit, the applicant shall provide to the Zoning Inspector a floor plan illustrating the proposed operation, a site plan indicating all on-site improvements, and any additional information as required by the Zoning Inspector.
      (2)    Local Property Representative. The property owner shall designate a local property representative who shall be available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, for the purpose of:
         A.   Responding within one hour to complaints regarding the condition, operation, or conduct of occupants of the short-term rental; and
         B.   Taking remedial action to resolve any such complaints. The name, address, and telephone contact number of the property owner and the local property representative shall be kept on file at the village. The failure to provide the contact information, failure to keep the contact information current, failure to respond in a timely manner to complaints, or the occurrence of repeated complaints may result in the suspension or revocation of the zoning permit.
      (3)    Occupancy. Maximum occupancy of the rental shall be based on the International Building Code standards. The property owner shall be responsible for ensuring that the dwelling unit is in conformance with its maximum occupancy.
      (4)    Restrictions on Use. The property owner shall not permit a renter to use a short-term rental for a purpose not incidental to its use for lodging or sleeping purposes. This restriction includes using the rental for a wedding, banquet, reception, bachelor or bachelorette party, concert, fundraiser, sponsored event, or any similar group activity.
      (5)    Parking. Use of the property as a short term rental shall not result in increased demand for parking beyond that which is normal to a residential area nor unusual or excessive traffic to and from the premises.
      (6)    Signage. No outdoor advertising signs related to the short term rental dwelling shall be allowed on the site.
      (7)    The property owner shall be responsible for the following:
         A.    Ensuring that weekly solid waste collection is provided during all months that a short term rental is used for short-term rental occupancy. Weekly solid waste collection shall not be on the basis of as-needed service, but ongoing weekly solid waste service even when the unit might be unoccupied.
         B.    Providing an operating “land line” telephone in the unit for emergency notifications.
         C.    Maintaining a guest register listing the name, address and phone number of all paying guests. The owner/operator shall make the guest register available, with reasonable notice, for inspection by the Village Zoning Inspector.
      (8)    Informational Packet. A packet of information shall be provided to renters and posted conspicuously in the common area of the short-term rental summarizing guidelines and restrictions applicable to the short-term rental use, including:
         A.    The short term rental’s maximum occupancy.
         B.    Applicable noise and use restrictions;
         C.    Location of assigned off-street parking, if applicable.
         D.   Twenty-four (24) hour contact information for the property owner or local representative.
         E.    Renter responsibilities, which shall at minimum include: Do not trespass on private property; Do not litter; and Do not create a noise disturbance.
         F.    Notification that the renter is responsible for complying with these regulations and that the renter may be cited or fined by the village for violating any provisions of the Planning and Zoning Code.
      (9)   Insurance. The property owner shall maintain on file at the village an up-to-date certificate of insurance documenting that the dwelling is insured as a short-term rental.
      (10)    Certificate of Fire and Health Officer. Certificates from the Perry Fire District and the Lake County Board of Health shall be required for each zoning permit. Each guest room shall contain a separately installed smoke detector alarm approved by the Fire Officer. No premises shall be utilized for a short term rental unless there are at least two separate exits to the outdoors.
   (z)    Single-Family Occupancy of Existing Dwelling. In the C-1 and M-1 Districts, existing single-family dwellings may be permitted to be occupied as a residence according to the following:
      (1)    The existing dwelling was constructed prior to 2005, and has been maintained as a residential use since 2005.
      (2)    The existing dwelling is located adjacent to one or more existing dwelling units.
      (3)    The use of the dwelling as a primary residence will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted by right in the district.
   (aa)    Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation Facility, Assisted Living Facility. A skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and/or assisted living facility shall comply with the following:
      (1)    Allowable Uses.
         A.    Clinical care services covering short term and long term care and in-patient rehabilitation.
         B.    Assisted living facilities, which for the purposes of this Section shall be residential accommodations designed for and intended to be occupied by individuals who require supervision, assistance and health care services or who are otherwise dependent on the services of others by reason of age or physical or mental impairment.
      (2)    Development Standards:
         A.    Unless otherwise specified below or altered by the Planning Commission, the use shall comply with the development standards of the district in which it is located.
         B.    The minimum lot area shall be two (2) acres, and the minimum lot width shall be 200 feet.
         C.   Impervious surfaces, including areas devoted to buildings and pavement, shall not occupy more than sixty percent (60%) of the lot.
      (3)    The inclusion of such land use shall not discourage the appropriate development or impair the value of existing or proposed industrial development in the area surrounding the subject development.
   (bb)    Vehicle Repair and Maintenance. The repair and servicing of vehicles shall comply with the following:
      (1)    Vehicle parking areas, equipment storage areas, maneuvering lanes, and access ways to public streets shall be designed to cause no interference with the safe and convenient movement of automobile and pedestrian traffic on, and adjacent to, the site.
      (2)    The outdoor overnight parking and storage of any trucks and other equipment shall be enclosed by a solid wall or fence, including solid gates, having a minimum height of seven feet, which must be maintained at all times.
      (3)    All fences or walls required in this section shall be constructed of uniform materials painted or otherwise preserved, and approved by the Commission. Additional fences, walls or evergreen hedges may be required by the Commission if necessary to adequately screen the materials from adjoining residential districts or public streets.
   (cc)    Vehicle sales, leasing, rental and storage facility shall comply with the following:
      (1)    The minimum lot area shall be two acres and the minimum lot width shall be 200 feet.
      (2)    The minimum building area shall be 5,000 square feet and there shall be sufficient building area to include space for offices.
      (3)    The minimum setback for pavement shall be 20 feet from the street right-of-way. The open space between the right-of-way and the pavement shall be landscaped and maintained in accordance with Chapter 1141.
      (4)    Lighting for all areas used for the outdoor display of automobiles shall be in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Commission.
      (5)    Only vehicles that are in good repair, fully operational, and with no missing parts or damage shall be permitted to be displayed or stored outdoors.
   (dd)    Veterinary Clinics and Kennels. A veterinary clinic shall be located in a building having adequate sound proofing and odor control. Kennels, when permitted by the Planning Commission shall be located on the lot so as not to disturb adjacent residential properties.
   (ee)    Work/Live Units. In order to encourage greater utilization of existing residential structures in the  M-1 Mixed Use Commercial and Light Industrial District and to promote the economic well-being of the Village, existing residential structures may be used in accordance with a commercial development plan approved by the Planning Commission, provided such plan shall comply with the following requirements:
      (1)    As used in this ordinance, a "work/live unit" means a structure that combines a commercial or manufacturing activity permitted in Table 1127.02 with an accessory residential living space for the owner of the commercial or manufacturing business and that person's household.
      (2)    Only existing residential structures shall be permitted to be occupied as a work/live unit.
      (3)    In order to reside on the premises of a work/live unit, the residential owner shall be the primary person responsible for the commercial or manufacturing activity performed. Additional persons may be employed by the commercial or industrial enterprise, but only family members shall be permitted to reside on the premises.
      (4)    Within each work/live unit, the living area shall not exceed forty-nine percent (49%) of the total floor area of the unit.
         (Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)