(a)    Upon the filing of appeal with the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall fix a reasonable time for the public hearing of the appeal, giving ten (10) days’ notice to the parties in interest, and decide the same within thirty (30) days after it is submitted.
   (b)    The “parties of interest” who shall be notified of the hearing on appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals shall include: (i) the applicant for the zoning permit; (ii) the person grieved who appealed to the Board if different that the applicant for the zoning permit; (iii) the owners of the property within and contiguous to and directly across the street from such parcel or parcels which are subject of the appeal, to the addresses of such owners appearing on the County Auditor’s current tax list and (iv) such other individual or individuals as the Board of Zoning Appeals shall determine.
   (c)    The notice to the parties of interest herein required shall be satisfied by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village at least ten days prior to the hearing, sending by first class mail or hand delivery a notice to the parties of interest living within the area set forth in Section 1113.03(b) within ten days before the date of the Public Hearing. The notice shall give the name of the applicant for a zoning permit, the name of the owner of the premises involved, the address and road on which the premises is located, and the time and place of hearing on the appeal.
   (d)    The appellant and the officer whose act or omission is the subject matter of appeal shall have the right to appear in person and with legal counsel as well as any person in interest may appear at the public hearing in person or by attorney.
   (e)    The Board may recess such hearings from time to time, and, if the time and place of the continued hearing is publicly announced at the time of the adjournment, no further notice shall be required.
   (f)    In considering the appeal, competent evidence may be presented directly affecting the subject matter of appeal.
(Ord. 19-10.  Passed 11-7-19.)