(a) Notification. Every teen dance club license holder or designee thereof shall at least two weeks prior to each teen dance or like event file with the Director of Public Safety a written notification stating the following:
(1) The names, addresses, social security numbers and dates of birth of the license holder and the adult supervisor or chaperons who will be present at the event.
(2) The name and address of the owner of the establishment where the dance or like event is to be conducted.
(3) The time and date of the dance or like event.
(4) A completed Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI) background check, obtained at applicant’s cost, for all adult supervisors and chaperons who were not named by the license holder in the initial or renewed license application.
(b) Requirements and Prohibitions.
(1) One adult supervisor and/or chaperon shall be present for each twenty teens. The individuals must have proper identification, be readily identifiable, and be among those listed on the license or notification.
(2) The dance or like event shall not begin before 12:00 p.m. and shall end no later than by 11:30 p.m.
(3) No person under the age of thirteen years shall be permitted to enter or remain in a teen dance club unless accompanied by a parent or other legal guardian.
(4) No person over the age of seventeen years shall be permitted to enter or remain in a teen dance club unless such person is an owner or operator of the teen club, an employee or security contractor of the club, an adult supervisor or chaperon, a parent, other legal guardian, or adult sibling of a teen present at the teen dance, or an on duty member of the North Olmsted Police, Fire or Building Departments.
(5) Every owner and operator of a public dance hall shall post a conspicuous sign at each entrance to the teen dance club that reads: “It is a violation of Section 763.14 of the North Olmsted Codified Ordinances for any person under the age of 13 years to enter or remain at this Club without a parent, guardian or suitable adult person, or any person over the age of 17 years not an employee of this Club to enter or remain at this Club unless such person is an adult supervisor or chaperon, or a parent, other legal guardian, or adult sibling of a teen present at the Club”.
(6) No pyrotechnics, foam machines or fog machines shall be permitted to be present or operated during any teen dance or like event.
(7) Any and all beer, wine or other alcohol on the premises shall be under lock and key, and at all times located in a locked room separate and apart from the room in which the teen dance is located.
(8) No person shall be permitted to remain at a teen dance who is fighting, under the influence of alcohol or any illegal drug or who otherwise conducts themselves in a disorderly manner.
(9) No smoking or the use of any tobacco products shall be permitted or tolerated.
(10) A parents’ seating area shall be provided at the dance club. In addition, parking lots, and all areas at which entrance or exit doors are located, shall be well lighted, and an area of the parking lot shall be set aside for parents or other legal guardians to safely pick up their children.
(c) The license applicant or notification designee must be present during the dance or like event and will be responsible for all activity occurring on the premises during the event.
(d) Only two teen dances in any consecutive seven-day period shall be permitted for a particular location, and no teen dance shall be held during the evening hours on a day that immediately precedes a school day for the North Olmsted high school.
(Ord. 2006-48. Passed 3-7-06.)