   (a)   Owners and operators of public dance halls shall not be required to obtain licenses to operate public dance halls, but, in the operation of such public dance halls, must comply with all provisions of this chapter made specifically applicable to public dance halls, and all other applicable laws and ordinances of the State of Ohio and the City.
   (b)   No person under the age of eighteen years shall be permitted to enter or remain in a public dance hall unless he or she is an employee of the public dance hall or is accompanied by a parent, other legal guardian, or a suitable adult person.
   (c)   No owner and operator of a public dance hall shall knowingly permit a person under the age of eighteen years to enter or remain in a public dance hall unless he or she is an employee of the public dance hall or is accompanied by a parent, other legal guardian or suitable adult person.
   (d)   Every owner and operator of a public dance hall shall post a conspicuous sign at each entrance to the dance hall that reads: “It is a violation of Section 763.03 of the North Olmsted Codified Ordinances for any person under the age of 18 years and not an employee of this establishment to enter or remain at this location without a parent, guardian or suitable adult person”. (Ord. 2006-48. Passed 3-7-06.)