(a) No person licensed under the provisions of this chapter shall purchase or otherwise receive any resale goods, articles, or things from any person who fails or refuses to provide required information or otherwise comply with this chapter or:
(1) Is a habitual drunkard; or
(2) Is intoxicated or under the influence of illegal drugs at the time of the transaction; or
(3) Is known to him to be a thief; or
(4) Is known to him to be an associate of thieves; or
(5) Is a receiver of stolen property; or
(6) He has reason to suspect is a receiver of stolen property.
(b) No person shall accept listings or receive by sale, barter, exchange, gift, contribution, or otherwise, any article mentioned in this chapter from:
(1) Any person whom he has reason to believe is under the age of eighteen years;
(2) Any person between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. of the following day on every day;
(3) Any person who does not tender such sale, barter, exchange, gift, contribution, or other charitable or commercial transaction in person, unless such person has charitably donated an item in a place designated for such donations and authorized by the provisions of this section.
(c) An authorized place designated for charitable or other donations which need not be made personally under subsection (b)(4) hereof must be located entirely indoors, and must be operated in such a manner that it does not cause inconvenience, danger, or hazard to passersby or to nearby City residents. A license holder may not erect, or allow to be erected or placed on a sidewalk, in a parking area, or otherwise outside of a building, any external receptacle or structure for the purpose of collecting such donated goods, including drop boxes, mobile or immobile depository boxes, trucks, truck trailers, or other structures external to and apart from the building from which the license holder operates.
(Ord. 2011-21. Passed 3-15-11.)
This chapter shall not apply to:
(a) Persons who deal exclusively in furniture; or
(b) Persons who deal exclusively in secondhand automobiles; or
(c) Persons licensed by the State of Ohio as secondhand (scrap) dealers, pawnbrokers, or precious metal dealers, subject to registration herein and compliance with state licensing regulations, except as otherwise provided in Section 755.10; or
(d) Persons who deal exclusively in secondhand books, magazines, paintings, drawings, etchings, engravings, tapestries, burlaps, or other secondhand media; or
(e) Persons who deal exclusively in secondhand pianos, organs, or other musical instruments; or
(f) Persons who operate a casual sale, also known as a "garage", "yard", "basement", "driveway" or "sidewalk" sale.
(Ord. 2011-21. Passed 3-15-11.)
Whoever violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of a first degree misdemeanor. An offense shall be deemed committed Each and every violation In addition the license herein provided for shall be revoked for a period of not less than six months nor more than one year.
(Ord. 2011-21. Passed 3-15-11.)