   This subchapter is adopted to protect environmental and public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare of the residents of the city. This subchapter establishes the standards for using the city compost site.
(Ord. 165, passed 12-18-2023)
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CITY COMPOST/BRUSH REFUSE SITE. A site that is owned and/or managed by the city and made available to the citizens of the city to dispose of organic material.
   COMMERCIAL. An individual or business that is engaged in activities in order to generate income or a profit.
   ORGANIC MATERIAL. Yard waste, food scraps, and compostable materials.
   RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. Those properties are located in zoning districts R-l, R-1A, R-2, R-3,or R-3A and are used primarily for individuals to live in as their primary living space.
   YARD WASTE. Garden wastes, leaves, lawn cuttings, non-regulated weeks, shrub and tree waste, and prunings and twigs.
(Ord. 165, passed 12-18-2023)
   (A)   No person shall knowingly rake or deposit organic materials or mixed municipal solid waste on or into public or private streets (unless allowed by the city), storm sewers, drainage ditches, water retention basins, streams, ponds, or lakes. Yard waste may not be deposited into mixed solid waste per Minnesota Statutes.
   (B)   The city maintains a compost site available to city residents and owners of residential property located in the city. The compose site shall be open on days and at times set by the city. When the city compost site is open, citizens of the city or property owners, or their non-commercial designees, of properties located in North Mankato may dispose of organic materials at the composite site. The organic materials and/or yard waste must be generated from properties located in the city.
   (C)   No person or entity that is engaged in commercial activity that results in the creation of organic and/or yard waste, whether from a property located in North Mankato or some other location, may use the city compost site.
   (D)   The city may require proof of residency or ownership of the property. If the resident is being helped by a friend, family member, or other person who is not acting in a commercial capacity, the city may require that individual to provide proof of permission from the resident and verification that the organic and/ or yard waste comes from the property.
(Ord. 165, passed 12-18-2023)
   Penalty. A person who violates any provision of this subchapter shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor. Each day of violation constitutes a separate offense.
(Ord. 165, passed 12-18-2023)