(A) No person, with purpose to defraud, or knowing that the person is facilitating a fraud, shall do any of the following:
(1) Make or alter any object so that it appears to have value because of antiquity, rarity, curiosity, source, or authorship, which it does not in fact possess.
(2) Practice deception in making, retouching, editing, or reproducing any photograph, movie film, video tape, phonograph record, or recording tape.
(3) Falsely or fraudulently make, simulate, forge, alter, or counterfeit any wrapper, label, stamp, cork or cap prescribed by the Liquor Control Commission under R.C. Chapters 4301 and 4303, falsely or fraudulently cause to be made, simulated, forged, altered, or counterfeited any wrapper, label, stamp, cork or cap prescribed by the Liquor Control Commission under R.C. Chapters 4301 and 4303, or use more than once any wrapper, label, stamp, cork or cap prescribed by the Liquor Control Commission under R.C. Chapters 4301 and 4303.
(4) Offer, or possess with the purpose to offer, any object that the person knows to have been simulated as provided in divisions (A)(1), (A)(2) or (A)(3) of this section.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of criminal simulation. Except as otherwise provided in this division, criminal simulation is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the loss to the victim is $1,000 or more, criminal simulation is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate state law.
(R.C. § 2913.32)
(A) No person, with purpose to defraud or knowing that he or she is facilitating a fraud, or with purpose to induce another to purchase property or services, shall personate a law enforcement officer, or an inspector, investigator, or agent of any governmental agency.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of personating an officer, a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(R.C. § 2913.44)
(A) No person shall knowingly do any of the following:
(1) Attach, affix, or otherwise use a counterfeit mark in connection with the manufacture of goods or services, whether or not the goods or services are intended for sale or resale.
(2) Possess, sell, or offer for sale tools, machines, instruments, materials, articles, or other items of personal property with the knowledge that they are designed for the production or reproduction of counterfeit marks.
(3) Purchase or otherwise acquire goods, and keep or otherwise have the goods in the person’s possession, with the knowledge that a counterfeit mark is attached to, affixed to, or otherwise used in connection with the goods and with the intent to sell or otherwise dispose of the goods.
(4) Sell, offer for sale, or otherwise dispose of goods with the knowledge that a counterfeit mark is attached to, affixed to, or otherwise used in connection with the goods.
(5) Sell, offer for sale, or otherwise provide services with the knowledge that a counterfeit mark is used in connection with that sale, offer for sale, or other provision of the services.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of trademark counterfeiting.
(1) A violation of division (A)(1) of this section is guilty of a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate state law.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this division, a violation of division (A)(2) of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the circumstances of the violation indicate that the tools, machines, instruments, materials, articles, or other items of personal property involved in the violation were intended for use in the commission of a felony, a violation of division (A)(2) is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate state law.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in this division, a violation of division (A)(3), (A)(4) or (A)(5) of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the cumulative sales price of the goods or services to which or in connection with which the counterfeit mark is attached, affixed or otherwise used in the offense is $1,000 or more, a violation of division (A)(3), (A)(4) or (A)(5) is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate state law.
(C) A defendant may assert as an affirmative defense to a charge of a violation of this section defenses, affirmative defenses, and limitations on remedies that would be available in a civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding under the Lanham Act, being 15 U.S.C. §§ 1051 through 1127, as amended, the Trademark Counterfeiting Act of 1984, being 18 U.S.C. § 2320, as amended, R.C. Chapter 1329 or another section of the Ohio Revised Code, or common law.
(D) (1) Law enforcement officers may seize pursuant to Criminal Rule 41, R.C. Chapter 2933, or R.C. Chapter 2981 either of the following:
(a) Goods to which or in connection with which a person attached, affixed, otherwise used, or intended to attach, affix or otherwise use a counterfeit mark in violation of this section.
(b) Tools, machines, instruments, materials, articles, vehicles or other items of personal property that are possessed, sold, offered for sale, or used in a violation of this section or in an attempt to commit or complicity in the commission of a violation of this section.
(2) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of R.C. Chapter 2981, if a person is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of this section, an attempt to violate this section, or complicity in a violation of this section, the court involved shall declare that the goods described in division (D)(1)(a) of this section and the personal property described in division (D)(1)(b) of this section are contraband and are forfeited. Prior to the court’s entry of judgment under Criminal Rule 32, the owner of a registered trademark or service mark that is the subject to the counterfeit mark may recommend a manner in which the forfeited goods and forfeited personal property should be disposed of. If that owner makes a timely recommendation of a manner of disposition, the court is not bound by the recommendation. If that owner makes a timely recommendation of a manner of disposition, the court may include in its entry of judgment an order that requires appropriate persons to dispose of the forfeited goods and forfeited personal property in the recommended manner. If the owner fails to make a timely recommendation of a manner of disposition or if that owner makes a timely recommendation of a manner of disposition but the court determines to not follow the recommendation, the court shall include in its entry of judgement an order that requires the law enforcement agency that employs the law enforcement officer who seized the forfeited goods or the forfeited personal property to destroy them or cause their destruction.
(E) This section does not affect the rights of an owner of a trademark or service mark, or the enforcement in a civil action or in administrative proceedings of the rights of an owner or a trademark or service mark under the Lanham Act, being 15 U.S.C. §§ 1051 through 1127, as amended, the Trademark Counterfeiting Act of 1984, being 18 U.S.C. § 2320, as amended, R.C. Chapter 1329, or another section of the Ohio Revised Code, or common law.
(F) As used in this section:
(a) Except as provided in division (b) of this definition, the term means a spurious trademark or a spurious service mark that satisfies both of the following:
1. It is identical with or substantially indistinguishable from a mark that is registered on the principal register in the United States Patent and Trademark Office for the same goods or services as the goods or services to which or in connection with which the spurious trademark or spurious service mark is attached, affixed, or otherwise used, or from a mark that is registered with the Secretary of State pursuant to R.C. §§ 1329.54 through 1329.67 for the same goods or services as the goods or services to which or in connection with which the spurious trademark or spurious service mark is attached, affixed, or otherwise used, and the owner of the registration uses that registered trademark, whether or not the offender knows that the mark is registered in a manner described in this division (a)1.
2. Its use is likely to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive other persons.
(b) The term does not include a mark or other designation that is attached to, affixed to, or otherwise used in connection with goods or services if the holder of the right to use the mark or other designation authorizes the manufacturer, producer, or vendor of those goods or services to attach, affix, or otherwise use the mark or other designation in connection with those goods or services at the time of their manufacture, production or sale.
CUMULATIVE SALES PRICE. Means the product of the lowest single unit sales price charged or sought to be charged by an offender for goods to which or in connection with which a counterfeit mark is attached, affixed, or otherwise used or of the lowest single service transaction price charged or sought to be charged by an offender for services in connection with which a counterfeit mark is used, multiplied by the total number of those goods or services, whether or not units of goods are sold or are in an offender’s possession, custody or control.
REGISTERED TRADEMARK OR SERVICE MARK. Means a trademark or service mark that is registered in a manner described in division (a) of the definition of “counterfeit mark.”
SERVICE MARK. Has the same meaning as in R.C. § 1329.54.
TRADEMARK. Has the same meaning as in R.C. § 1329.54.
(R.C. § 2913.34)
(A) No person shall destroy, damage, remove, or transfer property that is subject to forfeiture or otherwise take any action in regard to property that is subject to forfeiture with purpose to do any of the following:
(1) Prevent or impair the state’s or political subdivision’s lawful authority to take the property into its custody or control under R.C. Chapter 2981 or to continue holding the property under its lawful custody or control;
(2) Impair or defeat the court’s continuing jurisdiction over the person and property;
(3) Devalue property that the person knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is subject to forfeiture proceedings under R.C. Chapter 2981.
(B) (1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of interference with or diminishing forfeitable property. Except as otherwise provided in this division (B), interference with or diminishing forfeitable property is a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(2) If the value of the property is $1,000 or more, interference with or diminishing forfeitable property is a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate state law.
(R.C. § 2981.07)
(A) No person shall record or cause to be recorded either of the following:
(1) A credit card account number of the other party to a transaction, when a check, bill of exchange or other draft is presented for payment; or
(2) The telephone number or Social Security account number of the other party to a transaction, when payment is made by credit card charge agreement, check, bill of exchange or other draft.
(B) Division (A) of this section does not apply to a transaction, if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The credit card account number, Social Security account number or telephone number is recorded for a legitimate business purpose, including collection purposes.
(2) The other party to the transaction consents to the recording of the credit card account number, Social Security account number or telephone number.
(3) The credit card account number, Social Security account number or telephone number that is recorded during the course of the transaction is not disclosed to any third party for any purposes other than collection purposes and is not used to market goods or services unrelated to the goods or services purchased in the transaction.
(C) Nothing in this section prohibits the recording of the number of a credit card account when given in lieu of a deposit to secure payment in the event of default, loss, damage or other occurrence, or requires a person to accept a check presented for payment, if the other party to the transaction refuses to consent to the recording of the number of the party’s Social Security account or license to operate a motor vehicle.
(R.C. § 1349.17)
(D) Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 1349.99(A))
(A) In a prosecution for a theft offense, as defined in R.C. § 2913.01, that involves alleged tampering with a gas, electric, steam or water meter, conduit or attachment of a utility that has been disconnected by the utility, proof that a meter, conduit or attachment of a utility has been tampered with is prima facie evidence that the person who is obligated to pay for the service rendered through the meter, conduit or attachment, and who is in possession or control of the meter, conduit or attachment at the time the tampering occurred has caused the tampering with intent to commit a theft offense.
(B) In a prosecution for a theft offense, as defined in R.C. § 2913.01, that involves the alleged reconnection of a gas, electric, steam or water meter, conduit or attachment of a utility that has been disconnected by the utility, proof that a meter, conduit or attachment disconnected by a utility has been reconnected without the consent of the utility is prima facie evidence that the person in possession or control of the meter, conduit or attachment at the time of the reconnection has reconnected the meter, conduit or attachment with intent to commit a theft offense.
(C) As used in this section:
TAMPER. Means to interfere with, damage or bypass a utility meter, conduit or attachment with the intent to impede the correct registration of a meter or the proper functions of a conduit or attachment so as to reduce the amount of utility service that is registered on the meter.
UTILITY. Means any electric light company, gas company, natural gas company, pipe- line company, water-works company or heating or cooling company, as defined in R.C. § 4905.03(C), (D), (E), (F), (G), or (H), its lessees, trustees or receivers, or any similar utility owned or operated by a political subdivision.
(R.C. § 4933.18)
(D) Each electric light company, gas company, natural gas company, pipeline company, waterworks company or heating or cooling company, as defined by R.C. § 4905.03(C), (D), (E), (F), (G), or (H), or its lessees, trustees or receivers, and each similar utility owned or operated by a political subdivision, shall notify its customers, on an annual basis, that tampering with or bypassing a meter constitutes a theft offense that could result in the imposition of criminal sanctions.
(R.C. § 4933.19)
(A) As used in this section:
AUDIOVISUAL RECORDING FUNCTION. Means the capability of a device to record or transmit a motion picture or any part of a motion picture by means of any technology existing on, or developed after, March 9, 2004.
FACILITY. Means a movie theater.
(B) No person, without the written consent of the owner or lessee of the facility and of the licensor of the motion picture, shall knowingly operate an audiovisual recording function of a device in a facility in which the motion picture is being shown.
(C) Whoever violates division (B) of this section is guilty of motion picture piracy, a misdemeanor of the first degree on the first offense and a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate state law on each subsequent offense.
(D) This section does not prohibit or restrict a lawfully authorized investigative, law enforcement, protective, or intelligence gathering employee or agent of the government of this state or a political subdivision of this state, or of the federal government, when acting in an official capacity, from operating an audiovisual recording function of a device in any facility in which a motion picture is being shown.
(E) Division (B) of this section does not limit or affect the application of any other prohibition in this code or the Ohio Revised Code. Any act that is a violation of both division (B) of this section and another provision of this code or the Ohio Revised Code may be prosecuted under this section, under the other provision of this code or the Ohio Revised Code, or under both this section and the other provision of this code or the Ohio Revised Code.
(R.C. § 2913.07)